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Links - 16th April 2023

How to plan as an engineering executive

Planning is an infinite game

James Carse’s Finite and Infinite Games proposes that you can view most things in life from two different perspectives. The first is seeing life as a series of finite games, with clear rules, a way to win, and many ways to lose. The second is seeing life as an infinite game, whose rules are evolved over time by its players, and where the goal is continuing to play. I’ve found this simple distinction life changing in general, and particularly applicable to planning.

Although planning is often presented as a finite, rules heavy process, I believe that planning is actually an infinite, ongoing game with dynamic rules. Before my realization, I would rigidly follow each planning rule, and then get frustrated when the resulting plan wasn’t very good. Worse, the plans I spent so much time on would routinely get thrown away a month or two after the process finished. It was only when I was able to look past the stated rules that I was able to become an effective planner.

How to plan?

Most organizations have a formal period of time annually (or quarterly or every 13 weeks) when they “Do Planning”. This period is usually called Planning. The implicit or explicit ask of Planning is often, “Tell us about all your exciting new ideas. We need your creativity to achieve our goals. Swing for the fences! Throw big rocks!” This is a mistake.

Look at that list of goals from earlier in the post that we are already trying to solve with Planning. Does this look like a good time to also get creative? Similarly leadership often feels like Planning is their opportunity to introduce the new direction they’d like to see the company move in. All this does is create a scramble, shallow thinking, and low quality plans.

In most companies and organizations doing something new and meaningful requires us to coordinate with people across the organization. To pick the canonical example, if we build and launch a new product without planning how it’s going to be sold and marketed, and what infrastructure will be needed to support it, and without doing the research to understand how many times previously our company tried to launch this exact product then we’ll fail. Which is something we see tech companies do over and over. This kind of coordination is hard at the best of times. Planning is not the best of times. Planning is when everyone is too busy to have these conversations. (and too emotionally keyed up as they contemplate their budget for the coming year and what that means for their team.)

Funktal: a frugal functional programming language

Funktal is a functional programming language for the Uxn virtual machine, a tiny VM with 8-bit opcodes and 64 kB of memory. I have written about implementing functional constructs in Uxn’s native stack based assembly language Uxntal in a previous post.

The main reason for creating Funktal was to see if it was possible to create a statically typed functional language with algebraic data types and function types that could run on the Uxn VM, with a compiler that could be implemented in Uxntal. This is motivated by the observation that most modern languages are very resource-intensive: typical projects take a lot of disk space, compilers are large and require a lot of CPU cycles and memory to compile code, and the programs themselves are also very often CPU- and memory-intensive.

Measuring system interface complexity

One of the most easily quantifiable ways to measure the “simplicity” or “elegance” or an operating system this is to count the number of functions in its system interface, or “syscalls”. Linux has over 300. That’s lot! For comparison, Plan 9 has around 30. It would seem that Plan 9 is, like, 10x more elegant than Linux.

Ok, so listen to this. That’s cool. But guess what.

I have a design for an OS which is 30x more elegant than even Plan 9. It’s 300x more elegant than Linux!

Introducing “String OS”.

What is the secret to String OS' amazing simplicity and elegance? I’ll tell you.

It has only one syscall!

fn the_syscall(arg: String) -> String;

That’s it! That’s the entire interface.

The way it works is, you describe requests you want to make in strings, and you call the_syscall and pass them in. You get back a string, which describes the result. That’s it.

It’s trivial to interface with from any programming language; all you need is a string type and the ability to call functions!

And it’s fully serializable, loggable, extensible, interposable, replayable, remotable, and network-transparent.