Size and complexity
I think this is the reason for our failure to handle large systems in computers: size and complexity in information is not modularizable.
Reduction in complexity in information may be obtained when two or more ideas that are combined to produce a desired result are shown to have a commonality that makes each an application of a unifying principle. Science is rife with such developments — indeed, it is this that is science. In brief, one may say that scientists take things apart, while engineers put things together. The effect of having engineers work on problems of science should be obvious, and vice versa.
For decades, we have been able to put things together, and Software Engineers have succeeded in solving tremendous problems. Since the engineers have been so succesful, and the Computer Scientists have been unable to reduce the insidious complexity of software systems, it has become customary in some quarters to ridicule the abstractions that Computer Scientists work with, while seemingly small problems are solved with incredible amounts of code and and unbelievable hardware capacity.
Underneath all the complexity in these huge, ever-expanding systems, there must be many unifying principles struggling to get out. If we hope to be able to cope with the size, we must deal with the complexity the right way: by discovering those unifying principles.
6 Lessons I learned while implementing technical RFCs as a management tool
This situation was the result of a process failure, and given that process is what I ship as the VP of Engineering, I was also responsible for improving the process so the team doesn’t find itself in these positions. We needed a way to make decisions as a team that would allow us to:
enable individual contributors to make decisions for systems they’re responsible for allow domain experts to have input in decisions when they’re not directly involved in building a particular system
manage the risk of decisions made
include team members without it becoming design by committee
have a snapshot of context for the future
be asynchronous
work on multiple projects in parallel
We weren’t the first people to encounter this problem, so we looked at how open source software projects dealt with these situations, and came to the conclusion that adopting the RFC process would help us make better decisions together.
The RFC process has become one of my favorite tools in managing distributed engineering teams. I implemented it shortly after joining Splice and adopted it Elizabeth & Clarke too. I’m still learning about how it can help the organizations I lead to make decisions. Given my overall positive experience over the past 3 years using RFCs “in production”, I thought I’d share some practical lessons in case you want to try it out.
Martin Kleppmann: designing data-intensive applications: the big ideas behind reliable, scalable, and maintainable systems
To tolerate faults, the first step is to detect them, but even that is hard. Most systems don’t have an accurate mechanism of detecting whether a node has failed, so most distributed algorithms rely on timeouts to determine whether a remote node is still available. However, timeouts can’t distinguish between network and node failures, and variable network delay sometimes causes a node to be falsely suspected of crashing. Moreover, sometimes a node can be in a degraded state: for example, a Gigabit network interface could suddenly drop to 1 Kb/ s throughput due to a driver bug. Such a node that is “limping” but not dead can be even more difficult to deal with than a cleanly failed node.
Once a fault is detected, making a system tolerate it is not easy either: there is no global variable, no shared memory, no common knowledge or any other kind of shared state between the machines. Nodes can’t even agree on what time it is, let alone on anything more profound. The only way information can flow from one node to another is by sending it over the unreliable network. Major decisions cannot be safely made by a single node, so we require protocols that enlist help from other nodes and try to get a quorum to agree. If you’re used to writing software in the idealized mathematical perfection of a single computer, where the same operation always deterministically returns the same result, then moving to the messy physical reality of distributed systems can be a bit of a shock. Conversely, distributed systems engineers will often regard a problem as trivial if it can be solved on a single computer, and indeed a single computer can do a lot nowadays. If you can avoid opening Pandora’s box and simply keep things on a single machine, it is generally worth doing so.
Eventual consistency is hard for application developers because it is so different from the behavior of variables in a normal single-threaded program. If you assign a value to a variable and then read it shortly afterward, you don’t expect to read back the old value, or for the read to fail. A database looks superficially like a variable that you can read and write, but in fact it has much more complicated semantics [3]. When working with a database that provides only weak guarantees, you need to be constantly aware of its limitations and not accidentally assume too much. Bugs are often subtle and hard to find by testing, because the application may work well most of the time. The edge cases of eventual consistency only become apparent when there is a fault in the system (e.g., a network interruption) or at high concurrency.
We have drawn some comparisons between message brokers and databases. Even though they have traditionally been considered separate categories of tools, we saw that log-based message brokers have been successful in taking ideas from databases and applying them to messaging. We can also go in reverse: take ideas from messaging and streams, and apply them to databases. We said previously that an event is a record of something that happened at some point in time. The thing that happened may be a user action (e.g., typing a search query), or a sensor reading, but it may also be a write to a database. The fact that something was written to a database is an event that can be captured, stored, and processed. This observation suggests that the connection between databases and streams runs deeper than just the physical storage of logs on disk — it is quite fundamental.
In fact, a replication log (see “Implementation of Replication Logs”) is a stream of database write events, produced by the leader as it processes transactions. The followers apply that stream of writes to their own copy of the database and thus end up with an accurate copy of the same data. The events in the replication log describe the data changes that occurred.
We also came across the state machine replication principle in “Total Order Broadcast”, which states: if every event represents a write to the database, and every replica processes the same events in the same order, then the replicas will all end up in the same final state. (Processing an event is assumed to be a deterministic operation.) It’s just another case of event streams!
The traditional approach to database and schema design is based on the fallacy that data must be written in the same form as it will be queried. Debates about normalization and denormalization (see “Many-to-One and Many-to-Many Relationships”) become largely irrelevant if you can translate data from a write-optimized event log to read-optimized application state: it is entirely reasonable to denormalize data in the read-optimized views, as the translation process gives you a mechanism for keeping it consistent with the event log.
Transactions are expensive, especially when they involve heterogeneous storage technologies (see “Distributed Transactions in Practice”). When we refuse to use distributed transactions because they are too expensive, we end up having to reimplement fault-tolerance mechanisms in application code. As numerous examples throughout this book have shown, reasoning about concurrency and partial failure is difficult and counterintuitive, and so I suspect that most application-level mechanisms do not work correctly. The consequence is lost or corrupted data.
For these reasons, I think it is worth exploring fault-tolerance abstractions that make it easy to provide application-specific end-to-end correctness properties, but also maintain good performance and good operational characteristics in a large-scale distributed environment.
I fear that the culture of ACID databases has led us toward developing applications on the basis of blindly trusting technology (such as a transaction mechanism), and neglecting any sort of auditability in the process. Since the technology we trusted worked well enough most of the time, auditing mechanisms were not deemed worth the investment.
But then the database landscape changed: weaker consistency guarantees became the norm under the banner of NoSQL, and less mature storage technologies became widely used. Yet, because the audit mechanisms had not been developed, we continued building applications on the basis of blind trust, even though this approach had now become more dangerous. Let’s think for a moment about designing for auditability.
MagicaVoxel @ ephtracy
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