Le blog d'Archiloque

Advent of code 2021 in Python

For a fourth year I did some advent of code.

This year’s advent of code

Compared to last year, the problems was OKish but I didn’t really have fun except for a few problems.

Maybe I’m now too used to some types of problems (map exploration, interpreter…) so there is no sense of discovery any more, even when learning a new programming language.

Some exercices like the 8thor the 19th really felt tedious (but maybe it’s because I failed to find a better solution).

I even skipped exercices from the 24th because I didn’t have enough spoon to analyse the code to find the pattern that is probably here (so this day’s code is only generating a somehow optimized Python code).


I wanted to learn some Python because I want to play with Blender’s Python API. As I’m experienced in Java and Ruby the Python syntax is not particulary alien to me, but I wanted some training before using it for a real project, to avoid dealing with too many unknown things at the same time.

As several of my coworkers are Python developers I’ll avoid to post publicly my opinion about Python 😬.


  1. The bellow code is the first code I’ve written in Python, so it’s probably more an exemple of Python written by a Ruby dev who spent too much type coding in Java than an example of good Python code.

  2. Code is provided as is, blablabla.

The code

Day 1

Part one

import sys

last_depth = None
deeper = 0

for line in open(sys.argv[1], 'r'):
    current_depth = int(line)
    if last_depth is not None:
        if current_depth > last_depth:
            deeper += 1
    last_depth = current_depth

Part two

import sys

last_depth = None
deeper = 0

lines = list(map(int, open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()))
for line_index in range(2, len(lines)):
    current_depth = lines[line_index - 2] + lines[line_index - 1] + lines[line_index]
    if last_depth is not None:
        if current_depth > last_depth:
            deeper += 1
    last_depth = current_depth

Day 2

Part one

import sys
import binascii

horizontal_position = 0
depth = 0

for line in open(sys.argv[1], 'r'):
    splitted_line = line.split(' ')
    value = int(splitted_line[1])
    instruction = splitted_line[0]
    match instruction:
        case 'forward':
            horizontal_position += value
        case 'down':
            depth += value
        case 'up':
            depth -= value

print(horizontal_position * depth)

Part two

import sys

horizontal_position = 0
aim = 0
depth = 0

for line in open(sys.argv[1], 'r'):
    splitted_line = line.split(' ')
    value = int(splitted_line[1])
    instruction = splitted_line[0]
    match instruction:
        case 'forward':
            horizontal_position += value
            depth += value * aim
        case 'down':
            aim += value
        case 'up':
            aim -= value

print(horizontal_position * depth)

Day 3

Part one

import sys

number_of_lines = 0
one_bits_numbers = None

for line in open(sys.argv[1], 'r'):
    number_of_lines += 1
    if one_bits_numbers is None:
        one_bits_numbers = [0] * (len(line) - 1)
    for i in range(len(line)):
        bit = line[i]
        if bit == '1':
            one_bits_numbers[i] += 1

gamma_rate = 0

gamma_rate = list(map(lambda b: '1' if (b > number_of_lines / 2) else '0', one_bits_numbers))
epsilon = list(map(lambda b: '1' if (b < number_of_lines / 2) else '0', one_bits_numbers))

gamma_rate_int = int(''.join(gamma_rate), 2)
epsilon_int = int(''.join(epsilon), 2)
print(gamma_rate_int * epsilon_int)

Part two

import sys

lines = open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()

def finder(current_lines: [str], current_bit_index: int, comparator) -> str:
    one_values = sum(map(lambda line: 1 if line[current_bit_index] == '1' else 0, current_lines))
    value_to_find = '1' if comparator(one_values, (len(current_lines) / 2)) else '0'
    new_lines = list(filter(lambda line: line[current_bit_index] == value_to_find, current_lines))
    if len(new_lines) == 1:
        return new_lines[0]
        return finder(new_lines, current_bit_index + 1, comparator)

oxygen = finder(lines, 0, lambda x, y: x >= y)
oxygen_int = int(''.join(oxygen), 2)
co2 = finder(lines, 0, lambda x, y: x < y)
co2_int = int(''.join(co2), 2)
print(oxygen_int * co2_int)

Day 4

Part one

import sys

class Board:
    def __init__(self, data: [str]):
        self.data = []
        self.checked_items = []
        for line in data:
            parsed_line = []
            for index in range(0, 5):
                value = line[index * 3:(index * 3 + 2)]
            self.checked_items.append([False] * 5)

    def draw_number(self, value: int) -> bool:
        for line_index in range(0, 5):
            line = self.data[line_index]
                column_index = line.index(value)
                self.checked_items[line_index][column_index] = True
                return True
            except ValueError:
        return False

    def win(self) -> bool:
        for index in range(0, 5):
            if self.win_line(index):
                return True
            if self.win_column(index):
                return True
        return False

    def win_line(self, line_index: int) -> bool:
        for i in range(0, 5):
            if not self.checked_items[line_index][i]:
                return False
        return True

    def win_column(self, column_index: int) -> bool:
        for i in range(0, 5):
            if not self.checked_items[i][column_index]:
                return False
        return True

    def score(self) -> int:
        result = 0
        for index_line in range(0, 5):
            for index_column in range(0, 5):
                if not self.checked_items[index_line][index_column]:
                    result += self.data[index_line][index_column]
        return result

lines = open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()

number_of_boards = int((len(lines) - 1) / 6)
boards = []
for board_index in range(0, number_of_boards):
    boards.append(Board(lines[(2 + (board_index * 6)):(7 + (board_index * 6))]))

for move in map(int, lines[0].split(',')):
    for board in boards:
        if board.win():
            print(board.score() * move)

Part two

import sys

class Board:
    def __init__(self, data: [str]):
        self.data = []
        self.checked_items = []
        for line in data:
            parsed_line = []
            for index in range(0, 5):
                value = line[index * 3:(index * 3 + 2)]
            self.checked_items.append([False] * 5)

    def draw_number(self, value: int) -> bool:
        for line_index in range(0, 5):
            line = self.data[line_index]
                column_index = line.index(value)
                self.checked_items[line_index][column_index] = True
                return True
            except ValueError:
        return False

    def win(self) -> bool:
        for index in range(0, 5):
            if self.win_line(index):
                return True
            if self.win_column(index):
                return True
        return False

    def win_line(self, line_index: int) -> bool:
        for i in range(0, 5):
            if not self.checked_items[line_index][i]:
                return False
        return True

    def win_column(self, column_index: int) -> bool:
        for i in range(0, 5):
            if not self.checked_items[i][column_index]:
                return False
        return True

    def score(self) -> int:
        result = 0
        for index_line in range(0, 5):
            for index_column in range(0, 5):
                if not self.checked_items[index_line][index_column]:
                    result += self.data[index_line][index_column]
        return result

lines = open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()

number_of_boards = int((len(lines) - 1) / 6)
current_boards = []
for board_index in range(0, number_of_boards):
    current_boards.append(Board(lines[(2 + (board_index * 6)):(7 + (board_index * 6))]))

for move in map(int, lines[0].split(',')):
    next_boards = []
    for current_board in current_boards:
        if current_board.win():
            if len(current_boards) == 1:
                print(current_board.score() * move)
    current_boards = next_boards

Day 5

Part one

import sys
import re

lines = open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()

line_regex = re.compile(r"^(?P<x1>\d+),(?P<y1>\d+) -> (?P<x2>\d+),(?P<y2>\d+)$")

checked_values = {}

def process_value(x: int, y: int, checked_values):
    key = f"{x}-{y}"
    if key in checked_values:
        checked_values[key] += 1
        checked_values[key] = 1

for line in lines:
    match = line_regex.search(line)
    x1 = int(match.group('x1'))
    y1 = int(match.group('y1'))
    x2 = int(match.group('x2'))
    y2 = int(match.group('y2'))
    if x1 == x2:
        r = range(y1, y2 + 1) if y2 > y1 else range(y2, y1 + 1)
        for y in r:
            process_value(x1, y, checked_values)
    elif y1 == y2:
        r = range(x1, x2 + 1) if x2 > x1 else range(x2, x1 + 1)
        for x in r:
            process_value(x, y1, checked_values)

print(len(list(filter(lambda x: x > 1, checked_values.values()))))

Part two

import sys
import re

lines = open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()

line_regex = re.compile(r"^(?P<x1>\d+),(?P<y1>\d+) -> (?P<x2>\d+),(?P<y2>\d+)$")

checked_values = {}

def process_value(x: int, y: int, checked_values):
    key = f"{x}-{y}"
    if key in checked_values:
        checked_values[key] += 1
        checked_values[key] = 1

for line in lines:
    match = line_regex.search(line)
    x1 = int(match.group('x1'))
    y1 = int(match.group('y1'))
    x2 = int(match.group('x2'))
    y2 = int(match.group('y2'))
    if x1 == x2:
        r = range(y1, y2 + 1) if y2 > y1 else range(y2, y1 + 1)
        for y in r:
            process_value(x1, y, checked_values)
    elif y1 == y2:
        r = range(x1, x2 + 1) if x2 > x1 else range(x2, x1 + 1)
        for x in r:
            process_value(x, y1, checked_values)
        r_x = list(range(x1, x2 + 1) if x2 > x1 else range(x1, x2 - 1, -1))
        r_y = list(range(y1, y2 + 1) if y2 > y1 else range(y1, y2 - 1, -1))
        for index in range(0, len(r_x)):
            process_value(r_x[index], r_y[index], checked_values)

print(len(list(filter(lambda x: x > 1, checked_values.values()))))

Day 6

Part one

import sys

line = open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()[0]

current_fishes = [0] * 9
for starting_fish in line.split(','):
    starting_fish_int = int(starting_fish)
    current_fishes[starting_fish_int] += 1


for day in range(0, 80):
    next_fishes = [0] * 9
    for index in range(1, 9):
        next_fishes[index - 1] = current_fishes[index]
    next_fishes[6] += current_fishes[0]
    next_fishes[8] = current_fishes[0]
    current_fishes = next_fishes
    print(f"{day + 1} {current_fishes} {sum(current_fishes)}")

Part two

import sys

line = open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()[0]

current_fishes = [0] * 9
for starting_fish in line.split(','):
    starting_fish_int = int(starting_fish)
    current_fishes[starting_fish_int] += 1


for day in range(0, 256):
    next_fishes = [0] * 9
    for index in range(1, 9):
        next_fishes[index - 1] = current_fishes[index]
    next_fishes[6] += current_fishes[0]
    next_fishes[8] = current_fishes[0]
    current_fishes = next_fishes
    print(f"{day + 1} {current_fishes} {sum(current_fishes)}")

Day 7

Part one

import sys

positions_list = list(map(int, open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()[0].split(',')))
min_pos = min(positions_list)
max_pos = max(positions_list)
delta = max_pos - min_pos + 1
initial_positions = [0] * delta
for position in positions_list:
    initial_positions[position - min_pos] += 1

def calculate_fuel(positions: [int], target_index: int) -> int:
    result = 0
    for index in range(0, len(positions)):
        result += abs(target_index - index) * positions[index]
    return result


print(min(map(lambda i: calculate_fuel(initial_positions, i), range(0, len(initial_positions)))))

Part two

import sys

positions_list = list(map(int, open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()[0].split(',')))
min_pos = min(positions_list)
max_pos = max(positions_list)
delta = max_pos - min_pos + 1
initial_positions = [0] * delta
for position in positions_list:
    initial_positions[position - min_pos] += 1

def calculate_fuel(positions: [int], target_index: int) -> int:
    result = 0
    for index in range(0, len(positions)):
        distance = abs(target_index - index)
        result += int(distance * (distance + 1) * positions[index] / 2)
    return result


print(min(map(lambda i: calculate_fuel(initial_positions, i), range(0, len(initial_positions)))))

Day 8

Part one

import sys

interesting_digits = [2, 3, 4, 7]

def process_line(line: str) -> int:
    output_values = line.split('|')[1].strip().split(' ')
    return len(list(filter(lambda v: len(v) in interesting_digits, output_values)))

print(sum(map(lambda l: process_line(l), open(sys.argv[1]).readlines())))

Part two

import sys

uniques_number_of_segments_to_numbers = {
    2: 1,
    3: 7,
    4: 4,
    7: 8

def process_line(line: str) -> int:
    splitted_lines = line.split('|')
    signal_patterns = list(
        map(lambda s: ''.join(sorted(s)), splitted_lines[0].strip().split(' ')))
    output_values = list(
        map(lambda s: ''.join(sorted(s)), splitted_lines[1].strip().split(' ')))
    values = signal_patterns + output_values

    length_to_values = {}
    for i in range(0, 8):
        length_to_values[i] = set()
    for value in values:
        length = len(value)

    for length in length_to_values.keys():
        length_to_values[length] = list(length_to_values[length])

    known_numbers = {}

    # 1, 4, 7, 8: only one per segment length
    for number, segments_to_numbers in uniques_number_of_segments_to_numbers.items():
        if len(length_to_values[number]) == 1:
            known_numbers[segments_to_numbers] = set(length_to_values[number][0])

    # 6: 1 - 6 has one segment, 0 and 9 have two
    if 1 in known_numbers:
        for candidate in length_to_values[6]:
            candidate_set = set(candidate)
            if len(list(known_numbers[1] - candidate_set)) == 1:
                known_numbers[6] = candidate_set

    # 9 & 0: 9 - (merging 4 and 7) has one segment, 0 has two
    if (4 in known_numbers) and (7 in known_numbers):
        four_seven = known_numbers[4] | known_numbers[7]
        for candidate in length_to_values[6]:
            candidate_set = set(candidate)
            if len(list(candidate_set - four_seven)) == 1:
                known_numbers[9] = candidate_set
        for candidate in length_to_values[6]:
            candidate_set = set(candidate)
            if len(list(candidate_set - four_seven)) == 2:
                known_numbers[0] = candidate_set

    # 3: 1 - 3 has zero segment, 2 and 5 have two
    if 1 in known_numbers:
        for candidate in length_to_values[5]:
            candidate_set = set(candidate)
            if len(list(known_numbers[1] - candidate_set)) == 0:
                known_numbers[3] = candidate_set

    # 2 & 5: 5 - 6 has zero segment, 2 - 6 has one
    if 6 in known_numbers:
        for candidate in length_to_values[5]:
            candidate_set = set(candidate)
            if len(list(candidate_set - known_numbers[6])) == 0:
                known_numbers[5] = candidate_set
        for candidate in length_to_values[5]:
            candidate_set = set(candidate)
            if len(list(candidate_set - known_numbers[6])) == 1:
                known_numbers[2] = candidate_set

    known_numbers_reverse = dict((''.join(sorted(v)), k) for k, v in known_numbers.items())

    result = known_numbers_reverse[output_values[0]] * 1000 + \
             known_numbers_reverse[output_values[1]] * 100 + \
             known_numbers_reverse[output_values[2]] * 10 + \
    return result

print(sum(map(lambda l: process_line(l), open(sys.argv[1]).readlines())))

Day 9

Part one

import sys

def is_low_point(height_map: [[int]], map_height: int, map_width: int, line_index: int, column_index: int) -> bool:
    point_value = height_map[line_index][column_index]
    if (line_index > 0) and (height_map[line_index - 1][column_index] <= point_value):
        return False
    elif (column_index > 0) and (height_map[line_index][column_index - 1] <= point_value):
        return False
    if (line_index < (map_height - 1)) and (height_map[line_index + 1][column_index] <= point_value):
        return False
    elif (column_index < (map_width - 1)) and (height_map[line_index][column_index + 1] <= point_value):
        return False
        return True

height_map = list(map(lambda line: list(map(int, line.strip())),  open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()))

map_height = len(height_map)
map_width = len(height_map[0])

result = 0

for line_index in range(0, map_height):
    for column_index in range(0, map_width):
        if is_low_point(height_map, map_height, map_width, line_index, column_index):
            point_value = height_map[line_index][column_index]
            result += 1 + point_value

Part two

import sys

def is_low_point(height_map: [[int]], map_height: int, map_width: int, line_index: int, column_index: int) -> bool:
    point_value = height_map[line_index][column_index]
    if (line_index > 0) and (height_map[line_index - 1][column_index] <= point_value):
        return False
    elif (column_index > 0) and (height_map[line_index][column_index - 1] <= point_value):
        return False
    if (line_index < (map_height - 1)) and (height_map[line_index + 1][column_index] <= point_value):
        return False
    elif (column_index < (map_width - 1)) and (height_map[line_index][column_index + 1] <= point_value):
        return False
        return True

def check_point(height_map, current_point_value, target_point, visited_points, next_points_to_visit) -> None:
    target_value = height_map[target_point[0]][target_point[1]]
    if (target_point not in visited_points) \
            and (target_point not in next_points_to_visit) \
            and (target_value < 9) \
            and (target_value > current_point_value):

def calculate_bassin(height_map: [[int]], map_height: int, map_width: int, line_index: int, column_index: int) -> int:
    visited_points = []
    past_points_to_visit = [(line_index, column_index)]
    while len(past_points_to_visit) != 0:
        next_points_to_visit = []
        for current_point in past_points_to_visit:
            current_point_line_index, current_point_column_index = current_point
            current_point_value = height_map[current_point_line_index][current_point_column_index]
            if current_point_line_index > 0:
                target_point = (current_point_line_index - 1, current_point_column_index)
                check_point(height_map, current_point_value, target_point, visited_points, next_points_to_visit)
            if current_point_column_index > 0:
                target_point = (current_point_line_index, current_point_column_index - 1)
                check_point(height_map, current_point_value, target_point, visited_points, next_points_to_visit)
            if current_point_line_index < (map_height - 1):
                target_point = (current_point_line_index + 1, current_point_column_index)
                check_point(height_map, current_point_value, target_point, visited_points, next_points_to_visit)
            if current_point_column_index < (map_width - 1):
                target_point = (current_point_line_index, current_point_column_index + 1)
                check_point(height_map, current_point_value, target_point, visited_points, next_points_to_visit)

        past_points_to_visit = next_points_to_visit
    return len(visited_points)

height_map = list(map(lambda line: list(map(int, line.strip())), open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()))

map_height = len(height_map)
map_width = len(height_map[0])

bassins = []

for line_index in range(0, map_height):
    for column_index in range(0, map_width):
        if is_low_point(height_map, map_height, map_width, line_index, column_index):
            bassins.append(calculate_bassin(height_map, map_height, map_width, line_index, column_index))

print(bassins[-1] * bassins[-2] * bassins[-3])

Day 10

Part one

import sys

matching_symbols = {
    ')': '(',
    ']': '[',
    '}': '{',
    '>': '<',

opening_symbols = list(matching_symbols.values())
closing_symbols = list(matching_symbols.keys())

def pop_valid(stack, char):
    if stack[-1] == char:
        return True
        return False

def process_line(line: str):
    stack = []
    for char in line:
        if char in opening_symbols:
        elif char in closing_symbols:
            if not pop_valid(stack, matching_symbols[char]):
                return char
        elif char == "\n":
            return None
            raise Exception(char)
    return None

symbol_to_value = {
    ')': 3,
    ']': 57,
    '}': 1197,
    '>': 25137,

result = 0
for line in open(sys.argv[1]).readlines():
    line_result = process_line(line)
    if line_result is not None:
        result += symbol_to_value[line_result]

Part two

import sys

matching_symbols = {
    ')': '(',
    ']': '[',
    '}': '{',
    '>': '<',

opening_symbols = list(matching_symbols.values())
closing_symbols = list(matching_symbols.keys())

def pop_valid(stack, char):
    if stack[-1] == char:
        return True
        return False

def process_line(line: str):
    stack = []
    for char in line:
        if char in opening_symbols:
        elif char in closing_symbols:
            if not pop_valid(stack, matching_symbols[char]):
                return None
        elif char == "\n":
            return stack
            raise Exception(char)
    return stack

symbol_to_value = {
    '(': 1,
    '[': 2,
    '{': 3,
    '<': 4,

scores = []
for line in open(sys.argv[1]).readlines():
    line_result = process_line(line)
    if line_result is not None:
        line_total = 0
        for char in reversed(line_result):
            line_total = (line_total * 5) + symbol_to_value[char]

print(scores[int(len(scores) / 2)])

Day 11

Part one

import sys

octopus_map = list(map(lambda line: list(map(int, line.strip())), open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()))
map_height = len(octopus_map)
map_width = len(octopus_map[0])

total_flashes = 0

def process_flashed(octopus_map: [[int]], flashed_line: int, flashed_column: int, new_flashes_to_process) -> None:
    current_value = octopus_map[flashed_line][flashed_column]
    octopus_map[flashed_line][flashed_column] += 1
    if current_value == 9:
        new_flashes_to_process.append((flashed_line, flashed_column))

def process_flash(octopus_map: [[int]], flash_line: int, flash_column: int, map_height: int, map_width: int,
                  new_flashes_to_process) -> None:
    north_available = flash_line > 0
    south_available = flash_line < (map_height - 1)
    west_available = flash_column > 0
    east_available = flash_column < (map_width - 1)
    if north_available:
        process_flashed(octopus_map, flash_line - 1, flash_column, new_flashes_to_process)
    if south_available:
        process_flashed(octopus_map, flash_line + 1, flash_column, new_flashes_to_process)
    if west_available:
        process_flashed(octopus_map, flash_line, flash_column - 1, new_flashes_to_process)
    if east_available:
        process_flashed(octopus_map, flash_line, flash_column + 1, new_flashes_to_process)

    if north_available and west_available:
        process_flashed(octopus_map, flash_line - 1, flash_column - 1, new_flashes_to_process)
    if north_available and east_available:
        process_flashed(octopus_map, flash_line - 1, flash_column + 1, new_flashes_to_process)
    if south_available and west_available:
        process_flashed(octopus_map, flash_line + 1, flash_column - 1, new_flashes_to_process)
    if south_available and east_available:
        process_flashed(octopus_map, flash_line + 1, flash_column + 1, new_flashes_to_process)

def process_step(octopus_map: [[int]], map_height: int, map_width: int) -> int:
    flashes_to_process = []
    for line_index in range(0, map_height):
        for column_index in range(0, map_width):
            octopus_map[line_index][column_index] += 1
            if octopus_map[line_index][column_index] == 10:
                flashes_to_process.append((line_index, column_index))
    while len(flashes_to_process) > 0:
        new_flashes_to_process = []
        for flash_to_process in flashes_to_process:
            process_flash(octopus_map, flash_to_process[0], flash_to_process[1], map_height, map_width,
        flashes_to_process = new_flashes_to_process

    flashes_number = 0
    for line_index in range(0, map_height):
        for column_index in range(0, map_width):
            if octopus_map[line_index][column_index] > 9:
                flashes_number += 1
                octopus_map[line_index][column_index] = 0
    return flashes_number

for step in range(0, 100):
    current_flashes = process_step(octopus_map, map_height, map_width)
    total_flashes += current_flashes

Part two

import sys

octopus_map = list(map(lambda line: list(map(int, line.strip())), open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()))
map_height = len(octopus_map)
map_width = len(octopus_map[0])

total_flashes = 0

def process_flashed(octopus_map: [[int]], flashed_line: int, flashed_column: int, new_flashes_to_process) -> None:
    current_value = octopus_map[flashed_line][flashed_column]
    octopus_map[flashed_line][flashed_column] += 1
    if current_value == 9:
        new_flashes_to_process.append((flashed_line, flashed_column))

def process_flash(octopus_map: [[int]], flash_line: int, flash_column: int, map_height: int, map_width: int,
                  new_flashes_to_process) -> None:
    north_available = flash_line > 0
    south_available = flash_line < (map_height - 1)
    west_available = flash_column > 0
    east_available = flash_column < (map_width - 1)
    if north_available:
        process_flashed(octopus_map, flash_line - 1, flash_column, new_flashes_to_process)
    if south_available:
        process_flashed(octopus_map, flash_line + 1, flash_column, new_flashes_to_process)
    if west_available:
        process_flashed(octopus_map, flash_line, flash_column - 1, new_flashes_to_process)
    if east_available:
        process_flashed(octopus_map, flash_line, flash_column + 1, new_flashes_to_process)

    if north_available and west_available:
        process_flashed(octopus_map, flash_line - 1, flash_column - 1, new_flashes_to_process)
    if north_available and east_available:
        process_flashed(octopus_map, flash_line - 1, flash_column + 1, new_flashes_to_process)
    if south_available and west_available:
        process_flashed(octopus_map, flash_line + 1, flash_column - 1, new_flashes_to_process)
    if south_available and east_available:
        process_flashed(octopus_map, flash_line + 1, flash_column + 1, new_flashes_to_process)

def process_step(octopus_map: [[int]], map_height: int, map_width: int) -> int:
    flashes_to_process = []
    for line_index in range(0, map_height):
        for column_index in range(0, map_width):
            octopus_map[line_index][column_index] += 1
            if octopus_map[line_index][column_index] == 10:
                flashes_to_process.append((line_index, column_index))

    while len(flashes_to_process) > 0:
        new_flashes_to_process = []
        for flash_to_process in flashes_to_process:
            process_flash(octopus_map, flash_to_process[0], flash_to_process[1], map_height, map_width,
        flashes_to_process = new_flashes_to_process

    flashes_number = 0
    for line_index in range(0, map_height):
        for column_index in range(0, map_width):
            if octopus_map[line_index][column_index] > 9:
                flashes_number += 1
                octopus_map[line_index][column_index] = 0
    return flashes_number == (map_height * map_width)

current_step = 1
while True:
    if process_step(octopus_map, map_height, map_width):
    current_step+= 1

Day 12

Part one

import sys

caves_map = {}

for path in open(sys.argv[1]).readlines():
    caves = path.strip().split('-')
    from_cave = caves[0]
    to_cave = caves[1]
    if from_cave in caves_map:
        caves_map[from_cave] = [to_cave]
    if to_cave in caves_map:
        caves_map[to_cave] = [from_cave]

pathes_reaching_the_end = 0
pathes_to_visit = [['start']]

while len(pathes_to_visit) != 0:
    next_pathes_to_visit = []
    for current_path in pathes_to_visit:
        for target in caves_map[current_path[-1]]:
            if target == 'end':
                pathes_reaching_the_end += 1
            elif target.islower():
                if target not in current_path:
                    next_pathes_to_visit.append(current_path + [target])
            elif target.isupper():
                next_pathes_to_visit.append(current_path + [target])
                raise Exception(target)
    pathes_to_visit = next_pathes_to_visit


Part two

import sys

caves_map = {}

for path in open(sys.argv[1]).readlines():
    caves = path.strip().split('-')
    from_cave = caves[0]
    to_cave = caves[1]
    if from_cave in caves_map:
        caves_map[from_cave] = [to_cave]
    if to_cave in caves_map:
        caves_map[to_cave] = [from_cave]

class Path:
    def __init__(self, path: [str], small_cave_double_visit: str|None):
        self.path = path
        self.small_cave_double_visit = small_cave_double_visit

pathes_reaching_the_end = 0
pathes_to_visit = [Path(['start'], None)]

while len(pathes_to_visit) != 0:
    next_pathes_to_visit = []
    for current_path in pathes_to_visit:
        for target in caves_map[current_path.path[-1]]:
            if target == 'end':
                pathes_reaching_the_end += 1
            elif target == 'start':
            elif target.islower():
                if target not in current_path.path:
                    next_pathes_to_visit.append(Path(current_path.path + [target], current_path.small_cave_double_visit))
                elif current_path.small_cave_double_visit is not None:
                elif current_path.path.count(target) == 1:
                    next_pathes_to_visit.append(Path(current_path.path + [target], target))
            elif target.isupper():
                next_pathes_to_visit.append(Path(current_path.path + [target], current_path.small_cave_double_visit))
                raise Exception(target)
    pathes_to_visit = next_pathes_to_visit


Day 13

Part one

import sys
import re

page = open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()

dots = set()

last_dot_line_index = 0
for dot_line in page:
    last_dot_line_index += 1
    if dot_line == "\n":
    dot_coordinates = list(map(int, dot_line.split(',')))
    dots.add((dot_coordinates[0], dot_coordinates[1]))

fold_regex = re.compile(r"^fold along (?P<axis>[xy])=(?P<value>\d+)$")

def fold_y(fold_value: int, dots):
    result = set()
    for dot in dots:
        dot_column, dot_line = dot
        if dot_line < fold_value:
        elif dot_line > fold_value:
            result.add((dot_column, (2 * fold_value) - dot_line))
    return result

def fold_x(fold_value: int, dots):
    result = set()
    for dot in dots:
        dot_column, dot_line = dot
        if dot_column < fold_value:
        elif dot_column > fold_value:
            result.add(((2 * fold_value) - dot_column, dot_line))
    return result

fold_line = page[last_dot_line_index]
match = fold_regex.search(fold_line)
fold_axis = match.group('axis')
fold_value = int(match.group('value'))
match fold_axis:
    case 'x':
        dots = fold_x(fold_value, dots)
    case 'y':
        dots = fold_y(fold_value, dots)
    case _:
        raise Exception(fold_axis)


Part two

import sys
import re

page = open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()

dots = set()

last_dot_line_index = 0
for dot_line in page:
    last_dot_line_index += 1
    if dot_line == "\n":
    dot_coordinates = list(map(int, dot_line.split(',')))
    dots.add((dot_coordinates[0], dot_coordinates[1]))

fold_regex = re.compile(r"^fold along (?P<axis>[xy])=(?P<value>\d+)$")

def fold_y(fold_value: int, dots):
    result = set()
    for dot in dots:
        dot_column, dot_line = dot
        if dot_line < fold_value:
        elif dot_line > fold_value:
            result.add((dot_column, (2 * fold_value) - dot_line))
    return result

def fold_x(fold_value: int, dots):
    result = set()
    for dot in dots:
        dot_column, dot_line = dot
        if dot_column < fold_value:
        elif dot_column > fold_value:
            result.add(((2 * fold_value) - dot_column, dot_line))
    return result

for fold_index in range(last_dot_line_index, len(page)):
    fold_line = page[fold_index]
    match = fold_regex.search(fold_line)
    fold_axis = match.group('axis')
    fold_value = int(match.group('value'))
    match fold_axis:
        case 'x':
            dots = fold_x(fold_value, dots)
        case 'y':
            dots = fold_y(fold_value, dots)
        case _:
            raise Exception(fold_axis)

max_column = max(map(lambda dot: dot[0], dots))
max_line = max(map(lambda dot: dot[1], dots))
for line_index in range(0, max_line + 1):
    for column_index in range(0, max_column + 1):
        print('#' if (column_index, line_index) in dots else ' ', sep=' ', end='')

Day 14

Part one

import sys
import re

instructions = open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()

current_value = instructions[0].strip()
possible_elements = set(current_value)

rule_regex = re.compile(r"^(?P<from>[A-Z]{2}) -> (?P<to>[A-Z])$")

rules = {}

for rule in instructions[2:(len(instructions))]:
    match = rule_regex.search(rule)
    from_rule = match.group('from')
    to_rule = match.group('to')
    rules[from_rule] = to_rule


for step in range(0,2):
    next_value = []
    for char_index in range(0, len(current_value) - 1):
        current_pair = ''.join(current_value[char_index:char_index+2])
        applied_rule = rules[current_pair]
        if applied_rule is not None:
    current_value = next_value

cardinalities = list(map(lambda e: current_value.count(e), possible_elements))
print(max(cardinalities) - min(cardinalities))

Part two

import sys
import re

instructions = open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()

initial_value = instructions[0].strip()
possible_elements = set(initial_value)

rule_regex = re.compile(r"^(?P<from>[A-Z]{2}) -> (?P<to>[A-Z])$")

rules = {}

for rule in instructions[2:(len(instructions))]:
    match = rule_regex.search(rule)
    from_rule = match.group('from')
    to_rule = match.group('to')
    rules[from_rule] = to_rule

def insert_value(value, number, pairs):
    if value in pairs:
        pairs[value] += number
        pairs[value] = number

current_pairs = {}
current_cardinalities = {}
for char_index in range(0, len(initial_value) - 1):
    current_pair = initial_value[char_index:char_index + 2]
    insert_value(current_pair, 1, current_pairs)
    insert_value(initial_value[char_index], 1, current_cardinalities)
insert_value(initial_value[-1], 1, current_cardinalities)

def insert_value(value: str, number: int, pairs: dict) -> None:
    if value in pairs:
        pairs[value] += number
        pairs[value] = number

for step in range(0, 40):
    next_pairs = {}
    next_cardinalities = current_cardinalities.copy()
    for value, number in current_pairs.items():
        if value in rules:
            rule_target = rules[value]
            from_pair = f"{value[0]}{rule_target}"
            to_pair = f"{rule_target}{value[1]}"
            insert_value(rule_target, number, next_cardinalities)
            insert_value(from_pair, number, next_pairs)
            insert_value(to_pair, number, next_pairs)
            insert_value(value, number, next_pairs)
    current_pairs = next_pairs
    current_cardinalities = next_cardinalities

print(max(current_cardinalities.values()) - min(current_cardinalities.values()))

Day 15

Part one

import sys

chiton_map = list(map(lambda line: list(map(int, line.strip())), open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()))
map_height = len(chiton_map)
map_width = len(chiton_map[0])

visited_positions = {(0, 0): 0}

current_positions = set()
current_positions.add((0, 0))

minimal_risk = 0

def check_position(current_risk, target_line, target_column, next_positions):
    target_position = (target_line, target_column)
    target_risk = current_risk + chiton_map[target_line][target_column]
    if target_position in visited_positions:
        if target_risk < visited_positions[target_position]:
            visited_positions[target_position] = target_risk
        visited_positions[target_position] = target_risk

while len(current_positions) > 0:
    next_positions = set()
    for current_position in current_positions:
        current_line, current_column = current_position
        current_risk = visited_positions[current_position]
        if current_line > 0:
            check_position(current_risk, current_line - 1, current_column, next_positions)
        if current_column > 0:
            check_position(current_risk, current_line, current_column - 1, next_positions)
        if current_line < (map_height - 1):
            check_position(current_risk, current_line + 1, current_column, next_positions)
        if current_column < (map_width - 1):
            check_position(current_risk, current_line, current_column + 1, next_positions)
    current_positions = next_positions

print(visited_positions[(map_height - 1, map_width - 1)])

Part two

import sys

chiton_map = list(map(lambda line: list(map(int, line.strip())), open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()))
initial_map_height = len(chiton_map)
initial_map_width = len(chiton_map[0])

def process_risk(value: int) -> int:
    return value if value < 10 else 1

for map_index in range(1, 5):
    for current_line in chiton_map:
        for tile_index in range(0, initial_map_width):
            current_line.append(process_risk((current_line[tile_index + ((map_index - 1) * initial_map_width)] + 1)))

for map_index in range(1, 5):
    for current_line_index in range(0, initial_map_height):
        chiton_map.append(list(map(lambda c: process_risk(c + 1), chiton_map[current_line_index + ((map_index - 1) * initial_map_height)])))

map_height = initial_map_height * 5
map_width = initial_map_width * 5

visited_positions = {(0, 0): 0}

current_positions = set()
current_positions.add((0, 0))

minimal_risk = 0

def check_position(current_risk, target_line, target_column, next_positions):
    target_position = (target_line, target_column)
    target_risk = current_risk + chiton_map[target_line][target_column]
    if target_position in visited_positions:
        if target_risk < visited_positions[target_position]:
            visited_positions[target_position] = target_risk
        visited_positions[target_position] = target_risk

while len(current_positions) > 0:
    next_positions = set()
    for current_position in current_positions:
        current_line, current_column = current_position
        current_risk = visited_positions[current_position]
        if current_line > 0:
            check_position(current_risk, current_line - 1, current_column, next_positions)
        if current_column > 0:
            check_position(current_risk, current_line, current_column - 1, next_positions)
        if current_line < (map_height - 1):
            check_position(current_risk, current_line + 1, current_column, next_positions)
        if current_column < (map_width - 1):
            check_position(current_risk, current_line, current_column + 1, next_positions)
    current_positions = next_positions

print(visited_positions[(map_height - 1, map_width - 1)])

Day 16

Part one

import sys

hex_sequence = open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()[0].strip()
sequence = bin(int(hex_sequence, 16))[2:].zfill(len(hex_sequence) * 4)

class Packet:

    def __init__(self, starting_position: int, version: int):
        print(f"Starting to read a {self.__class__.__name__}")
        self.starting_position = starting_position
        self.version = version

    def read_binary(from_index: int, size: int) -> int:
        read_content = sequence[from_index:(from_index + size)]
        print(f"Reading {sequence[0:from_index]}[{read_content}]{sequence[from_index + size:]}")
        return int(read_content, 2)

    def parse_packet(starting_position: int):
        version = Packet.read_binary(starting_position, Packet.PACKET_VERSION_SIZE)
        type_id = Packet.read_binary(starting_position + Packet.PACKET_VERSION_SIZE, Packet.PACKET_TYPE_ID_SIZE)
        print(f"Starting to read a packet at {starting_position} with version {version} and type {type_id}")
        match type_id:
            case Packet.PACKET_TYPE_LITERAL_VALUE:
                return LiteralValuePacket(starting_position, version)
            case _:
                return OperatorPacket(starting_position, version)

class LiteralValuePacket(Packet):
    def __init__(self, starting_position: int, version: int):
        Packet.__init__(self, starting_position, version)

        self.last_position = starting_position + Packet.PACKET_HEADER_SIZE
        value_bits = []
        while sequence[self.last_position] == '1':
            value_bits.extend(sequence[(self.last_position + 1):(self.last_position + 5)])
            self.last_position += 5
        value_bits.extend(sequence[(self.last_position + 1):(self.last_position + 5)])
        self.value = int(''.join(value_bits), 2)
        self.last_position += 5
        print(f"\tValue is {self.value}")
        print(f"Ending reading LiteralValuePacket, last position is {self.last_position}")

    def total(self) -> int:
        return self.version

class OperatorPacket(Packet):

    def __init__(self, starting_position: int, version: int):
        Packet.__init__(self, starting_position, version)
        length_type_id = Packet.read_binary(
            starting_position + Packet.PACKET_HEADER_SIZE,
        print(f"\tLength type is {length_type_id}")
        self.sub_packets = []
        match length_type_id:
            case 0:
                sub_packets_size = Packet.read_binary(
                    starting_position + Packet.PACKET_HEADER_SIZE + OperatorPacket.SUB_PACKETS_LENGTH_TYPE_SIZE,
                print(f"Sub-packets size is {sub_packets_size}")
                current_sub_packet_position = starting_position + Packet.PACKET_HEADER_SIZE + OperatorPacket.SUB_PACKETS_LENGTH_TYPE_SIZE + OperatorPacket.SUB_PACKETS_LENGTH_SIZE
                self.last_position = current_sub_packet_position + sub_packets_size
                while current_sub_packet_position < self.last_position:
                    sub_packet = Packet.parse_packet(current_sub_packet_position)
                    current_sub_packet_position = sub_packet.last_position
            case 1:
                sub_packets_number = Packet.read_binary(
                    starting_position + Packet.PACKET_HEADER_SIZE + OperatorPacket.SUB_PACKETS_LENGTH_TYPE_SIZE,
                print(f"Sub-packets number is {sub_packets_number}")
                current_sub_packet_position = starting_position + Packet.PACKET_HEADER_SIZE + OperatorPacket.SUB_PACKETS_LENGTH_TYPE_SIZE + OperatorPacket.SUB_PACKETS_NUMBER_SIZE
                for packet_index in range(0, sub_packets_number):
                    sub_packet = Packet.parse_packet(current_sub_packet_position)
                    current_sub_packet_position = sub_packet.last_position
                self.last_position = self.sub_packets[-1].last_position
            case _:
                raise Exception(length_type_id)
        print(f"Ending reading OperatorPacket, last position is {self.last_position}")

    def total(self) -> int:
        return self.version + sum(map(lambda p: p.total(), self.sub_packets))

main_packet = Packet.parse_packet(0)

Part two

import sys
import functools

hex_sequence = sys.argv[1].strip()
sequence = bin(int(hex_sequence, 16))[2:].zfill(len(hex_sequence) * 4)

class Packet:

    def __init__(self, starting_position: int, version: int):
        self.starting_position = starting_position
        self.version = version

    def read_binary(from_index: int, size: int) -> int:
        read_content = sequence[from_index:(from_index + size)]
        return int(read_content, 2)

    def parse_packet(starting_position: int):
        version = Packet.read_binary(starting_position, Packet.PACKET_VERSION_SIZE)
        type_id = Packet.read_binary(starting_position + Packet.PACKET_VERSION_SIZE, Packet.PACKET_TYPE_ID_SIZE)
        if type_id in Packet.PACKET_TYPES:
            return Packet.PACKET_TYPES[type_id](starting_position, version)
            raise Exception(type_id)

class LiteralValuePacket(Packet):
    def __init__(self, starting_position: int, version: int):
        Packet.__init__(self, starting_position, version)

        self.last_position = starting_position + Packet.PACKET_HEADER_SIZE
        value_bits = []
        while sequence[self.last_position] == '1':
            value_bits.extend(sequence[(self.last_position + 1):(self.last_position + 5)])
            self.last_position += 5
        value_bits.extend(sequence[(self.last_position + 1):(self.last_position + 5)])
        self.value = int(''.join(value_bits), 2)
        self.last_position += 5

    def total(self) -> int:
        return self.value

class OperatorPacket(Packet):

    def __init__(self, starting_position: int, version: int):
        Packet.__init__(self, starting_position, version)
        length_type_id = Packet.read_binary(
            starting_position + Packet.PACKET_HEADER_SIZE,
        self.sub_packets = []
        match length_type_id:
            case 0:
                sub_packets_size = Packet.read_binary(
                    starting_position + Packet.PACKET_HEADER_SIZE + OperatorPacket.SUB_PACKETS_LENGTH_TYPE_SIZE,
                current_sub_packet_position = starting_position + Packet.PACKET_HEADER_SIZE + OperatorPacket.SUB_PACKETS_LENGTH_TYPE_SIZE + OperatorPacket.SUB_PACKETS_LENGTH_SIZE
                self.last_position = current_sub_packet_position + sub_packets_size
                while current_sub_packet_position < self.last_position:
                    sub_packet = Packet.parse_packet(current_sub_packet_position)
                    current_sub_packet_position = sub_packet.last_position
            case 1:
                sub_packets_number = Packet.read_binary(
                    starting_position + Packet.PACKET_HEADER_SIZE + OperatorPacket.SUB_PACKETS_LENGTH_TYPE_SIZE,
                current_sub_packet_position = starting_position + Packet.PACKET_HEADER_SIZE + OperatorPacket.SUB_PACKETS_LENGTH_TYPE_SIZE + OperatorPacket.SUB_PACKETS_NUMBER_SIZE
                for packet_index in range(0, sub_packets_number):
                    sub_packet = Packet.parse_packet(current_sub_packet_position)
                    current_sub_packet_position = sub_packet.last_position
                self.last_position = self.sub_packets[-1].last_position
            case _:
                raise Exception(length_type_id)

    def total(self) -> int:
        return self.version + sum(map(lambda p: p.total(), self.sub_packets))

    def sub_packets_values(self) -> map:
        return map(lambda p: p.total(), self.sub_packets)

class SumPacket(OperatorPacket):
    def total(self) -> int:
        return sum(self.sub_packets_values())

class ProductPacket(OperatorPacket):
    def total(self) -> int:
        return functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, self.sub_packets_values())

class MinimumPacket(OperatorPacket):
    def total(self) -> int:
        return min(self.sub_packets_values())

class MaximumPacket(OperatorPacket):
    def total(self) -> int:
        return max(self.sub_packets_values())

class TestPacket(OperatorPacket):
    def sub_packets_values(self):
        if len(self.sub_packets) != 2:
            raise Exception(self.sub_packets)
        return self.sub_packets[0].total(), self.sub_packets[1].total()

class GreaterThanPacket(TestPacket):
    def total(self) -> int:
        sub_packet_1_value, sub_packet_2_value = self.sub_packets_values()
        return 1 if sub_packet_1_value > sub_packet_2_value else 0

class LessThanPacket(TestPacket):
    def total(self) -> int:
        sub_packet_1_value, sub_packet_2_value = self.sub_packets_values()
        return 1 if sub_packet_1_value < sub_packet_2_value else 0

class EqualToPacket(TestPacket):
    def total(self) -> int:
        sub_packet_1_value, sub_packet_2_value = self.sub_packets_values()
        return 1 if sub_packet_1_value == sub_packet_2_value else 0

Packet.PACKET_TYPES[0] = SumPacket
Packet.PACKET_TYPES[1] = ProductPacket
Packet.PACKET_TYPES[2] = MinimumPacket
Packet.PACKET_TYPES[3] = MaximumPacket
Packet.PACKET_TYPES[4] = LiteralValuePacket
Packet.PACKET_TYPES[5] = GreaterThanPacket
Packet.PACKET_TYPES[6] = LessThanPacket
Packet.PACKET_TYPES[7] = EqualToPacket

main_packet = Packet.parse_packet(0)

Day 17

Part one

import re
import sys
from enum import Enum, auto

input = open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()[0].strip()

line_regex = re.compile(r"^target area: x=(?P<x_min>-?\d+)..(?P<x_max>-?\d+), y=(?P<y_min>-?\d+)..(?P<y_max>-?\d+)$")
match = line_regex.search(input)

x_min = int(match.group('x_min'))
x_max = int(match.group('x_max'))
y_min = int(match.group('y_min'))
y_max = int(match.group('y_max'))

class Status(Enum):
    IN_FLY = auto()
    IN_TARGET_AREA = auto()
    LOST = auto()

def calculate_trajectory(launch_x: int, launch_y: int):
    current_x_velocity = launch_x
    current_y_velocity = launch_y
    current_x_position = 0
    current_y_position = 0
    max_y = 0
    while True:
        status = check_position(current_x_position, current_y_position)
        if status != Status.IN_FLY:
            return status, max_y
        current_x_position += current_x_velocity
        current_y_position += current_y_velocity
        if current_x_velocity > 0:
            current_x_velocity -= 1
        elif current_x_velocity < 0:
            current_x_velocity += 1
        current_y_velocity -= 1
        max_y = max(max_y, current_y_position)

def check_position(x: int, y: int) -> Status:
    if y < y_min:
        return Status.LOST
    elif y > y_max:
        return Status.IN_FLY
    elif x_min <= x <= x_max:
        return Status.IN_TARGET_AREA
        return Status.IN_FLY

def calculate_trajectories(x: int):
    print(f"calculate_trajectories {x}")
    max_y = 0
    for y in range(-1000, 1000):
        current_status, current_max_y = calculate_trajectory(x, y)
        if current_status == Status.IN_TARGET_AREA:
            max_y = max(max_y, current_max_y)
    return max_y

max_y = 0
for x in range(1, x_max + 1):
    max_y = max(max_y, calculate_trajectories(x))


Part two

import re
import sys
from enum import Enum, auto

input = open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()[0].strip()

line_regex = re.compile(r"^target area: x=(?P<x_min>-?\d+)..(?P<x_max>-?\d+), y=(?P<y_min>-?\d+)..(?P<y_max>-?\d+)$")
match = line_regex.search(input)

x_min = int(match.group('x_min'))
x_max = int(match.group('x_max'))
y_min = int(match.group('y_min'))
y_max = int(match.group('y_max'))

class Status(Enum):
    IN_FLY = auto()
    IN_TARGET_AREA = auto()
    LOST = auto()

def calculate_trajectory(launch_x: int, launch_y: int):
    current_x_velocity = launch_x
    current_y_velocity = launch_y
    current_x_position = 0
    current_y_position = 0
    while True:
        status = check_position(current_x_position, current_y_position)
        if status != Status.IN_FLY:
            return status
        current_x_position += current_x_velocity
        current_y_position += current_y_velocity
        if current_x_velocity > 0:
            current_x_velocity -= 1
        elif current_x_velocity < 0:
            current_x_velocity += 1
        current_y_velocity -= 1

def check_position(x: int, y: int) -> Status:
    if y < y_min:
        return Status.LOST
    elif y > y_max:
        return Status.IN_FLY
    elif x_min <= x <= x_max:
        return Status.IN_TARGET_AREA
        return Status.IN_FLY

total = 0
for x in range(1, x_max + 1):
    for y in range(-1000, 1000):
        current_status = calculate_trajectory(x, y)
        if current_status == Status.IN_TARGET_AREA:
            total += 1


Day 18

Part one

import math
import sys
import json
from enum import Enum, auto

lines = list(map(lambda l: json.loads(l), open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()))

class ExplosionStatus(Enum):
    NO = auto()
    JUST_EXPLODED = auto()
    EXPLODED = auto()

def explode(values: [], level: int):
    if isinstance(values, int):
        return False, None, None
    elif (level > 4) \
            and isinstance(values, list) \
            and isinstance(values[0], int) \
            and isinstance(values[1], int):
        return ExplosionStatus.JUST_EXPLODED, values[0], values[1]
        for value_index in range(0, len(values)):
            value = values[value_index]
            status, left_value, right_value = explode(value, level + 1)
            if (status == ExplosionStatus.JUST_EXPLODED) or (status == ExplosionStatus.EXPLODED):
                if status == ExplosionStatus.JUST_EXPLODED:
                    values[value_index] = 0
                if (left_value is not None) and (value_index > 0):
                    if isinstance(values[value_index - 1], int):
                        values[value_index - 1] += left_value
                        left_values = values[value_index - 1]
                        while not isinstance(left_values[- 1], int):
                            left_values = left_values[- 1]
                        left_values[-1] += left_value
                    left_value = None
                if (right_value is not None) and (value_index < (len(values) - 1)):
                    if isinstance(values[value_index + 1], int):
                        values[value_index + 1] += right_value
                        right_values = values[value_index + 1]
                        while not isinstance(right_values[0], int):
                            right_values = right_values[0]
                        right_values[0] += right_value
                    right_value = None
                return ExplosionStatus.EXPLODED, left_value, right_value
    return ExplosionStatus.NO, None, None

def split(values: []) -> bool:
    for value_index in range(0, len(values)):
        value = values[value_index]
        if isinstance(value, int):
            if value >= 10:
                values[value_index] = [math.floor(value / 2), math.ceil(value / 2)]
                return True
        elif split(value):
            return True
    return False

def process(values: []):
    while True:
        status, _, _ = explode(values, 1)
        if status != ExplosionStatus.NO:
            return True
            return split(values)

def magniture(values: []):
    left_value = values[0]
    if isinstance(left_value, list):
        left_value = magniture(left_value)
    right_value = values[1]
    if isinstance(right_value, list):
        right_value = magniture(right_value)
    return (left_value * 3) + (2 * right_value)
current_values = lines[0]
while process(current_values):
for line_index in range(1, len(lines)):
    current_values = [current_values, lines[line_index]]
    while process(current_values):

Part two

import math
import sys
import json
import copy
from enum import Enum, auto

lines = list(map(lambda l: json.loads(l), open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()))

class ExplosionStatus(Enum):
    NO = auto()
    JUST_EXPLODED = auto()
    EXPLODED = auto()

def explode(values: [], level: int):
    if isinstance(values, int):
        return False, None, None
    elif (level > 4) \
            and isinstance(values, list) \
            and isinstance(values[0], int) \
            and isinstance(values[1], int):
        return ExplosionStatus.JUST_EXPLODED, values[0], values[1]
        for value_index in range(0, len(values)):
            value = values[value_index]
            status, left_value, right_value = explode(value, level + 1)
            if (status == ExplosionStatus.JUST_EXPLODED) or (status == ExplosionStatus.EXPLODED):
                if status == ExplosionStatus.JUST_EXPLODED:
                    values[value_index] = 0
                if (left_value is not None) and (value_index > 0):
                    if isinstance(values[value_index - 1], int):
                        values[value_index - 1] += left_value
                        left_values = values[value_index - 1]
                        while not isinstance(left_values[- 1], int):
                            left_values = left_values[- 1]
                        left_values[-1] += left_value
                    left_value = None
                if (right_value is not None) and (value_index < (len(values) - 1)):
                    if isinstance(values[value_index + 1], int):
                        values[value_index + 1] += right_value
                        right_values = values[value_index + 1]
                        while not isinstance(right_values[0], int):
                            right_values = right_values[0]
                        right_values[0] += right_value
                    right_value = None
                return ExplosionStatus.EXPLODED, left_value, right_value
    return ExplosionStatus.NO, None, None

def split(values: []) -> bool:
    for value_index in range(0, len(values)):
        value = values[value_index]
        if isinstance(value, int):
            if value >= 10:
                values[value_index] = [math.floor(value / 2), math.ceil(value / 2)]
                return True
        elif split(value):
            return True
    return False

def process(values: []):
    while True:
        status, _, _ = explode(values, 1)
        if status != ExplosionStatus.NO:
            return True
            return split(values)

def magniture(values: []):
    left_value = values[0]
    if isinstance(left_value, list):
        left_value = magniture(left_value)
    right_value = values[1]
    if isinstance(right_value, list):
        right_value = magniture(right_value)
    return (left_value * 3) + (2 * right_value)

max_magniture = 0
for line_index_1 in range(0, len(lines) - 1):
    for line_index_2 in range(line_index_1 + 1, len(lines)):
        current_values = [copy.deepcopy(lines[line_index_1]), copy.deepcopy(lines[line_index_2])]
        while process(current_values):
        current_magniture = magniture(current_values)

        current_values = [copy.deepcopy(lines[line_index_2]), copy.deepcopy(lines[line_index_1])]
        while process(current_values):
        current_magniture = magniture(current_values)
        max_magniture = max(max_magniture, current_magniture)

Day 19

Part one

import re
import sys

class Scanner:
    def __init__(self, index):
        self.index = index
        self.beacons = []
        self.distances = []

    def compute_distances(self):
        permutations = self.beacons_permutations()
        for permutation_index in range(0, len(permutations)):
            permutation_value = permutations[permutation_index]
            for index_1 in range(0, len(self.beacons)):
                starting_beacon = permutation_value[index_1]
                calculated_values = set()
                for index_2 in range(0, len(self.beacons)):
                    if index_1 != index_2:
                        target_beacon = permutation_value[index_2]
                                target_beacon[0] - starting_beacon[0],
                                target_beacon[1] - starting_beacon[1],
                                target_beacon[2] - starting_beacon[2]
                self.distances.append((starting_beacon, permutation_index, calculated_values))

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.index} {self.beacons}"

    def beacons_permutations(self) -> [[tuple]]:
        if self.index == 0:
            return [self.beacons]
        result = []
        for i in range(0, 24):
        for beacon in self.beacons:
            x, y, z = beacon
            values = [
                (x, y, z),
                (z, y, -x),
                (-x, y, -z),
                (-z, y, x),
                (-x, -y, z),
                (-z, -y, -x),
                (x, -y, -z),
                (z, -y, x),
                (x, -z, y),
                (y, -z, -x),
                (-x, -z, -y),
                (-y, -z, x),
                (x, z, -y),
                (-y, z, -x),
                (-x, z, y),
                (y, z, x),
                (z, x, y),
                (y, x, -z),
                (-z, x, -y),
                (-y, x, z),
                (-z, -x, y),
                (y, -x, z),
                (z, -x, -y),
                (-y, -x, -z)
            for i in range(0, 24):
        for i in range(0, 24):
        return result

scanners = []

scanner_regex = re.compile(r"^--- scanner (?P<scanner_id>\d+) ---$")
beacon_regex = re.compile(r"^(?P<x>-?\d+),(?P<y>-?\d+),(?P<z>-?\d+)$")

for line in open(sys.argv[1]).readlines():
    line = line.strip()
    scanner_match = scanner_regex.search(line)
    if scanner_match:
        beacon_match = beacon_regex.search(line)
        if beacon_match:
                (int(beacon_match.group('x')), int(beacon_match.group('y')), int(beacon_match.group('z')))
for scanner in scanners:

def check_pair(scanner_0, target_permutation_index_0, scanner_1):
    for distance_0 in scanner_0.distances:
        starting_beacon_0, permutation_index_0, calculated_values_0 = distance_0
        if target_permutation_index_0 == permutation_index_0:
            for distance_1 in scanner_1.distances:
                starting_beacon_1, permutation_index_1, calculated_values_1 = distance_1
                if len(calculated_values_0.intersection(calculated_values_1)) >= 11:
                    return distance_0, distance_1
    return None

def search_match(scanners, found_scanners, beacons):
    for found_scanner in found_scanners:
        for searched_scanner_index in range(0, len(scanners)):
            searched_scanner = scanners[searched_scanner_index]
            check_pair_result = check_pair(found_scanner[1], found_scanner[2], searched_scanner)
            if check_pair_result is not None:
                distance_0, distance_1 = check_pair_result
                origin = (
                             distance_0[0][0] - distance_1[0][0] + found_scanner[0][0],
                             distance_0[0][1] - distance_1[0][1] + found_scanner[0][1],
                             distance_0[0][2] - distance_1[0][2] + found_scanner[0][2],
                beacons.add((distance_1[0][0] + origin[0],distance_1[0][1] + origin[1], distance_1[0][2] + origin[2]))
                for beacon in distance_1[2]:
                    beacons.add((beacon[0] + distance_1[0][0] + origin[0], beacon[1] + distance_1[0][1] + origin[1], beacon[2] + distance_1[0][2] + origin[2]))
                return True
    return False

scanner_0 = scanners.pop(0)
found_scanners = [((0, 0, 0), scanner_0, 0)]
beacons = set(scanner_0.beacons)
while search_match(scanners, found_scanners, beacons):


Part two

import re
import sys

class Scanner:
    def __init__(self, index):
        self.index = index
        self.beacons = []
        self.distances = []

    def compute_distances(self):
        permutations = self.beacons_permutations()
        for permutation_index in range(0, len(permutations)):
            permutation_value = permutations[permutation_index]
            for index_1 in range(0, len(self.beacons)):
                starting_beacon = permutation_value[index_1]
                calculated_values = set()
                for index_2 in range(0, len(self.beacons)):
                    if index_1 != index_2:
                        target_beacon = permutation_value[index_2]
                                target_beacon[0] - starting_beacon[0],
                                target_beacon[1] - starting_beacon[1],
                                target_beacon[2] - starting_beacon[2]
                self.distances.append((starting_beacon, permutation_index, calculated_values))

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.index} {self.beacons}"

    def beacons_permutations(self) -> [[tuple]]:
        if self.index == 0:
            return [self.beacons]
        result = []
        for i in range(0, 24):
        for beacon in self.beacons:
            x, y, z = beacon
            values = [
                (x, y, z),
                (z, y, -x),
                (-x, y, -z),
                (-z, y, x),
                (-x, -y, z),
                (-z, -y, -x),
                (x, -y, -z),
                (z, -y, x),
                (x, -z, y),
                (y, -z, -x),
                (-x, -z, -y),
                (-y, -z, x),
                (x, z, -y),
                (-y, z, -x),
                (-x, z, y),
                (y, z, x),
                (z, x, y),
                (y, x, -z),
                (-z, x, -y),
                (-y, x, z),
                (-z, -x, y),
                (y, -x, z),
                (z, -x, -y),
                (-y, -x, -z)
            for i in range(0, 24):
        for i in range(0, 24):
        return result

scanners = []

scanner_regex = re.compile(r"^--- scanner (?P<scanner_id>\d+) ---$")
beacon_regex = re.compile(r"^(?P<x>-?\d+),(?P<y>-?\d+),(?P<z>-?\d+)$")

for line in open(sys.argv[1]).readlines():
    line = line.strip()
    scanner_match = scanner_regex.search(line)
    if scanner_match:
        beacon_match = beacon_regex.search(line)
        if beacon_match:
                (int(beacon_match.group('x')), int(beacon_match.group('y')), int(beacon_match.group('z')))
for scanner in scanners:

def check_pair(scanner_0, target_permutation_index_0, scanner_1):
    for distance_0 in scanner_0.distances:
        starting_beacon_0, permutation_index_0, calculated_values_0 = distance_0
        if target_permutation_index_0 == permutation_index_0:
            for distance_1 in scanner_1.distances:
                starting_beacon_1, permutation_index_1, calculated_values_1 = distance_1
                if len(calculated_values_0.intersection(calculated_values_1)) >= 11:
                    return distance_0, distance_1
    return None

def search_match(scanners, found_scanners):
    for found_scanner in found_scanners:
        for searched_scanner_index in range(0, len(scanners)):
            searched_scanner = scanners[searched_scanner_index]
            check_pair_result = check_pair(found_scanner[1], found_scanner[2], searched_scanner)
            if check_pair_result is not None:
                distance_0, distance_1 = check_pair_result
                origin = (
                             distance_0[0][0] - distance_1[0][0] + found_scanner[0][0],
                             distance_0[0][1] - distance_1[0][1] + found_scanner[0][1],
                             distance_0[0][2] - distance_1[0][2] + found_scanner[0][2],
                return True
    return False

scanner_0 = scanners.pop(0)
found_scanners = [((0, 0, 0), scanner_0, 0)]
while search_match(scanners, found_scanners):

max_manhattan = 0
for index_0 in range(0, len(found_scanners)):
    scanner_distance_0 = found_scanners[index_0][0]
    for index_1 in range(0, len(found_scanners)):
        if index_0 != index_1:
            scanner_distance_1 = found_scanners[index_1][0]
            max_manhattan = max(max_manhattan, 
                                abs(scanner_distance_0[0] - scanner_distance_1[0]) + abs(scanner_distance_0[1] - scanner_distance_1[1]) + abs(scanner_distance_0[2] - scanner_distance_1[2])

Day 20

Part one

import sys

input = open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()

algorithm = list(map(lambda c: False if (c == '#') else True, input[0].strip()))

data = dict()

initial_points = set()
initial_columns = len(input[2].strip())
initial_lines = len(input) - 2
for c in range(0, initial_columns):
    for l in range(0, initial_lines):
        data[(0, l, c)] = True if (input[2 + l][c] == '#') else False

def calculate_point(generation: int, line: int, column: int):
    if not (generation, line, column) in data:
        if generation == 0:
            return False
            output_pixel_value = 0
            for line_index in [line - 1, line, line + 1]:
                for column_index in [column - 1, column, column + 1]:
                    output_pixel_value *= 2
                    if calculate_point(generation - 1, line_index, column_index):
                        output_pixel_value += 1
            result = False if algorithm[output_pixel_value] else True
            data[(generation, line, column)] = result
            return result
        return data[(generation, line, column)]

generations = 2

result = 0
for l in range (-generations, initial_lines + generations + 1):
    for c in range (-generations, initial_columns + generations + 1):
        if calculate_point(generations, l, c):
            result += 1

Part two

import sys

input = open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()

algorithm = list(map(lambda c: False if (c == '#') else True, input[0].strip()))

data = dict()

initial_points = set()
initial_columns = len(input[2].strip())
initial_lines = len(input) - 2
for c in range(0, initial_columns):
    for l in range(0, initial_lines):
        data[(0, l, c)] = True if (input[2 + l][c] == '#') else False

def calculate_point(generation: int, line: int, column: int):
    if not (generation, line, column) in data:
        if generation == 0:
            return False
            output_pixel_value = 0
            for line_index in [line - 1, line, line + 1]:
                for column_index in [column - 1, column, column + 1]:
                    output_pixel_value *= 2
                    if calculate_point(generation - 1, line_index, column_index):
                        output_pixel_value += 1
            result = False if algorithm[output_pixel_value] else True
            data[(generation, line, column)] = result
            return result
        return data[(generation, line, column)]

generations = 50

result = 0
for l in range (-generations, initial_lines + generations + 1):
    for c in range (-generations, initial_columns + generations + 1):
        if calculate_point(generations, l, c):
            result += 1

Day 21

Part one

import sys

input = list(map(lambda l: int(l.strip().split(' ')[-1]), open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()))

player_positions = [input[0], input[1]]
player_scores = [0, 0]

def next_move(player_index: int, move_size: int):
    player_positions[player_index] += move_size
    while player_positions[player_index] > 10:
        player_positions[player_index] -= 10
    player_scores[player_index] += player_positions[player_index]

dice_number = 0
while True:
    move_size = ((dice_number + 1) * 3) + 3
    next_move(0, move_size)
    dice_number += 3
    if player_scores[0] >= 1000:
        print(player_scores[1] * dice_number)
    move_size = ((dice_number + 1) * 3) + 3
    next_move(1, move_size)
    dice_number += 3
    if player_scores[1] >= 1000:
        print(player_scores[0] * dice_number)
    print(f"{player_positions} {player_scores} {dice_number}")

Part two

import functools
import sys

input = list(map(lambda l: int(l.strip().split(' ')[-1]), open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()))

starting_positions = [input[0], input[1]]

DICES_THROWS = [3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9]

def solve_situation(player_score_1, player_score_2, player_position_1, player_position_2):
    player_wins_1 = 0
    player_wins_2 = 0
    for player_move_1 in DICES_THROWS:
        new_player_position_1 = player_position_1 + player_move_1
        while new_player_position_1 > 10:
            new_player_position_1 -= 10
        new_player_score_1 = player_score_1 + new_player_position_1
        if new_player_score_1 >= 21:
            player_wins_1 += 1
            solved_situation = solve_situation(
            player_wins_1 += solved_situation[1]
            player_wins_2 += solved_situation[0]
    return player_wins_1, player_wins_2

print(max(solve_situation(0, 0, starting_positions[0], starting_positions[1])))

Day 22

Part one

import re
import sys

grid = set()

instruction_regex = re.compile(
    r"^(?P<status>on|off) x=(?P<x_min>-?\d+)..(?P<x_max>-?\d+),y=(?P<y_min>-?\d+)..(?P<y_max>-?\d+),z=(?P<z_min>-?\d+)..(?P<z_max>-?\d+)$")
for instruction in open(sys.argv[1]).readlines():
    parsed_instruction = instruction_regex.search(instruction)
    status = parsed_instruction.group('status')
    x_min = int(parsed_instruction.group('x_min'))
    x_max = int(parsed_instruction.group('x_max'))

    y_min = int(parsed_instruction.group('y_min'))
    y_max = int(parsed_instruction.group('y_max'))

    z_min = int(parsed_instruction.group('z_min'))
    z_max = int(parsed_instruction.group('z_max'))

    for x in range(-50, 51):
        if x_min <= x <= x_max:
            for y in range(-50, 51):
                if y_min <= y <= y_max:
                    for z in range(-50, 51):
                        if z_min <= z <= z_max:
                            if status == 'on':
                                grid.add((x, y, z))
                                if (x, y, z) in grid:
                                    grid.remove((x, y, z))


Part two

import re
import sys

grid = set()

instruction_regex = re.compile(
    r"^(?P<status>on|off) x=(?P<x_min>-?\d+)..(?P<x_max>-?\d+),y=(?P<y_min>-?\d+)..(?P<y_max>-?\d+),z=(?P<z_min>-?\d+)..(?P<z_max>-?\d+)$")

class Cuboid:
    def __init__(self, x_min: int, x_max: int, y_min: int, y_max: int, z_min: int, z_max: int, status: bool):
        self.x_min = x_min
        self.x_max = x_max

        self.y_min = y_min
        self.y_max = y_max

        self.z_min = z_min
        self.z_max = z_max

        self.status = status

    def intersect(self, other) -> bool:
        if not (self.x_min <= other.x_max and self.x_max >= other.x_min):
            return False
        if not (self.y_min <= other.y_max and self.y_max >= other.y_min):
            return False
        if not (self.z_min <= other.z_max and self.z_max >= other.z_min):
            return False
        return True

    def intersection(self, other):
        return Cuboid(
            max(self.x_min, other.x_min),
            min(self.x_max, other.x_max),
            max(self.y_min, other.y_min),
            min(self.y_max, other.y_max),
            max(self.z_min, other.z_min),
            min(self.z_max, other.z_max),
            not other.status)

    def volume(self) -> int:
        return (self.x_max - self.x_min + 1) * (self.y_max - self.y_min + 1) * (self.z_max - self.z_min + 1)

known_cuboids = []

for instruction in open(sys.argv[1]).readlines():
    parsed_instruction = instruction_regex.search(instruction)
    status = parsed_instruction.group('status')
    x_min = int(parsed_instruction.group('x_min'))
    x_max = int(parsed_instruction.group('x_max'))

    y_min = int(parsed_instruction.group('y_min'))
    y_max = int(parsed_instruction.group('y_max'))

    z_min = int(parsed_instruction.group('z_min'))
    z_max = int(parsed_instruction.group('z_max'))

    current_cuboid = Cuboid(x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max, status == 'on')
    current_intersections = []

    for cuboid in known_cuboids:
        if current_cuboid.intersect(cuboid):
            intersection = current_cuboid.intersection(cuboid)

    known_cuboids += current_intersections
    if status == 'on':

result = 0

for current_cuboid in known_cuboids:
    current_volume = current_cuboid.volume()
    result += current_volume * (1 if current_cuboid.status else -1)

Day 23

Part one

import sys
from enum import Enum, auto
from typing import NewType, Tuple

# #############
# #
# ###7#9#1#3###
#   #8#0#2#4#
#   #########

ItemType = NewType('ItemType', int)
ITEM_AMBER = ItemType(0)
ITEM_BRONZE = ItemType(1)
ITEM_COPPER = ItemType(2)
ITEM_DESERT = ItemType(3)
ITEM_EMPTY = ItemType(4)

Position = NewType('Position', int)
Move = Tuple[
    ItemType, ItemType, ItemType, ItemType, ItemType, ItemType, ItemType, ItemType, ItemType, ItemType, ItemType, ItemType, ItemType, ItemType]

def slice_move(current_move: Move, min_position: Position, max_position: Position) -> Move:
    current_move = list(current_move)
    return tuple(
        current_move[:min_position] +
        current_move[max_position:(max_position + 1)] +
        current_move[(min_position + 1):max_position] +
        current_move[min_position:(min_position + 1)] +
        current_move[max_position + 1:]

ITEM_TYPE_TO_ENERGY: dict[ItemType, int] = {
    ITEM_AMBER: 1,
    ITEM_BRONZE: 10,
    ITEM_COPPER: 100,
    ITEM_DESERT: 1000

CHAR_TO_ITEM_TYPE: dict[str, ItemType] = {
    'A': ITEM_AMBER,
    '.': ITEM_EMPTY,

puzzle = open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()

initial_position: Move = tuple(
            lambda c: CHAR_TO_ITEM_TYPE[c],


TARGET_POSITION: Move = tuple(
    ([ITEM_EMPTY] * 7) + ([ITEM_AMBER] * 2) + ([ITEM_BRONZE] * 2) + ([ITEM_COPPER] * 2) + ([ITEM_DESERT] * 2))


known_moves: dict[Move, int] = dict()
known_moves[initial_position] = 0

min_energy = 0
max_energy = 0
min_solution_energy: int | None = None

moves_to_explores: dict[int, list[Move]] = dict()
moves_to_explores[0] = [initial_position]

class CanMoveInStatus(Enum):
    TOP_ROOM = auto()
    BOTTOM_ROOM = auto()
    NO = auto()

TOP_ROOM_INDEX: dict[ItemType, Position] = {
    ITEM_AMBER: Position(7), ITEM_BRONZE: Position(9), ITEM_COPPER: Position(11), ITEM_DESERT: Position(13)
BOTTOM_ROOM_INDEX: dict[ItemType, Position] = {
    ITEM_AMBER: Position(8), ITEM_BRONZE: Position(10), ITEM_COPPER: Position(12), ITEM_DESERT: Position(14)

MOVE_RIGHT_TO_CHAMBER_MAX_POSITION: dict[ItemType, Position] = {
    ITEM_AMBER: Position(1),
    ITEM_BRONZE: Position(2),
    ITEM_COPPER: Position(3),
    ITEM_DESERT: Position(4)

MOVE_LEFT_TO_CHAMBER_MIN_POSITION: dict[ItemType, Position] = {
    ITEM_AMBER: Position(2),
    ITEM_BRONZE: Position(3),
    ITEM_COPPER: Position(4),
    ITEM_DESERT: Position(5)

def can_move_in(current_move: Move, item_type: ItemType) -> CanMoveInStatus:
    top_content = current_move[TOP_ROOM_INDEX[item_type]]
    bottom_content = current_move[BOTTOM_ROOM_INDEX[item_type]]
    if top_content != ITEM_EMPTY:
        return CanMoveInStatus.NO
    elif bottom_content == ITEM_EMPTY:
        return CanMoveInStatus.BOTTOM_ROOM
    elif bottom_content == item_type:
        return CanMoveInStatus.TOP_ROOM
        return CanMoveInStatus.NO

NUMBER_OF_MOVE_TO_TOP_ROOM: dict[ItemType, list[Position]] = {
    ITEM_AMBER: [Position(3), Position(2), Position(2), Position(4), Position(6), Position(8), Position(9)],
    ITEM_BRONZE: [Position(5), Position(4), Position(2), Position(2), Position(4), Position(6), Position(7)],
    ITEM_COPPER: [Position(7), Position(6), Position(4), Position(2), Position(2), Position(4), Position(5)],
    ITEM_DESERT: [Position(9), Position(9), Position(6), Position(4), Position(2), Position(2), Position(3)],

def move_right_to_chamber(current_move: Move, item_type: ItemType) -> Position | None:
    for item_index in range(MOVE_RIGHT_TO_CHAMBER_MAX_POSITION[item_type], -1, -1):
        if current_move[item_index] == item_type:
            return Position(item_index)
        elif current_move[item_index] != ITEM_EMPTY:
            return None
    return None

def move_left_to_chamber(current_move: Move, item_type: ItemType) -> Position | None:
    for item_index in range(MOVE_LEFT_TO_CHAMBER_MIN_POSITION[item_type], 7):
        if current_move[item_index] == item_type:
            return Position(item_index)
        elif current_move[item_index] != ITEM_EMPTY:
            return None
    return None

def process_move(move: Move, energy: int) -> None:
    global max_energy
    global known_moves
    global moves_to_explores
    if (move not in known_moves) or (known_moves[move] > energy):
        print(f"\t\t\t\t\tNew move {move} for {energy}")
        known_moves[move] = energy
        if energy in moves_to_explores:
            moves_to_explores[energy] = [move]
    max_energy = max(max_energy, energy)

def try_to_move_in(current_move: Move, current_energy: int, item_type: ItemType):
    global min_solution_energy
    global max_energy
    move_in_status = can_move_in(current_move, item_type)
    if move_in_status != CanMoveInStatus.NO:
        move_right_index = move_right_to_chamber(current_move, item_type)
        if move_right_index is not None:
            number_of_moves = NUMBER_OF_MOVE_TO_TOP_ROOM[item_type][move_right_index]
            target_index = TOP_ROOM_INDEX[item_type] if (move_in_status == CanMoveInStatus.TOP_ROOM) else \

            new_move = slice_move(current_move, move_right_index, target_index)
            if move_in_status == CanMoveInStatus.BOTTOM_ROOM:
                number_of_moves += 1
            new_energy = current_energy + (number_of_moves * ITEM_TYPE_TO_ENERGY[item_type])

            if new_move == TARGET_POSITION:
                if (min_solution_energy is None) or (min_solution_energy > new_energy):
                    min_solution_energy = new_energy
                    max_energy = new_energy
                    print(f"Found better solution for {new_energy}")
                process_move(new_move, new_energy)

        move_left_index = move_left_to_chamber(current_move, item_type)
        if move_left_index is not None:
            number_of_moves = NUMBER_OF_MOVE_TO_TOP_ROOM[item_type][move_left_index]
            target_index = TOP_ROOM_INDEX[item_type] if (move_in_status == CanMoveInStatus.TOP_ROOM) else \

            new_move = slice_move(current_move, move_left_index, target_index)
            if move_in_status == CanMoveInStatus.BOTTOM_ROOM:
                number_of_moves += 1
            new_energy = current_energy + (number_of_moves * ITEM_TYPE_TO_ENERGY[item_type])

            if new_move == TARGET_POSITION:
                if (min_solution_energy is None) or (min_solution_energy > new_energy):
                    min_solution_energy = new_energy
                    max_energy = new_energy
                    print(f"Found better solution for {new_energy}")
                process_move(new_move, new_energy)

def try_to_move_out(current_move: Move, current_energy: int, item_type: ItemType):
    top_room_index = TOP_ROOM_INDEX[item_type]
    top_room_item_type = current_move[top_room_index]
    bottom_room_index = BOTTOM_ROOM_INDEX[item_type]
    bottom_room_item_type = current_move[bottom_room_index]
    if ((top_room_item_type != ITEM_EMPTY) and (top_room_item_type != item_type)) or \
            ((top_room_item_type == item_type) and (bottom_room_item_type != item_type)):
        print(f"\t\tCan move from top room")
        target_index: Position
        for target_index in range(MOVE_RIGHT_TO_CHAMBER_MAX_POSITION[item_type], -1, -1):
            if current_move[target_index] != ITEM_EMPTY:
            print(f"\t\t\t\tCan move left to {target_index}")
            number_of_moves = NUMBER_OF_MOVE_TO_TOP_ROOM[item_type][target_index]
            new_energy = current_energy + (number_of_moves * ITEM_TYPE_TO_ENERGY[top_room_item_type])
            new_move = slice_move(current_move, target_index, top_room_index)
            process_move(new_move, new_energy)
        for target_index in range(MOVE_LEFT_TO_CHAMBER_MIN_POSITION[item_type], 7):
            if current_move[target_index] != ITEM_EMPTY:
            print(f"\t\t\t\tCan move right to {target_index}")
            number_of_moves = NUMBER_OF_MOVE_TO_TOP_ROOM[item_type][target_index]
            new_energy = current_energy + (number_of_moves * ITEM_TYPE_TO_ENERGY[top_room_item_type])
            new_move = slice_move(current_move, target_index, top_room_index)
            process_move(new_move, new_energy)
        if (top_room_item_type == ITEM_EMPTY) and (bottom_room_item_type != ITEM_EMPTY) and (
                bottom_room_item_type != item_type):
            print(f"\t\tCan move from bottom room")
            target_index: Position
            for target_index in range(MOVE_RIGHT_TO_CHAMBER_MAX_POSITION[item_type], -1, -1):
                if current_move[target_index] != ITEM_EMPTY:
                print(f"\t\t\t\tCan move left to {target_index}")
                number_of_moves = NUMBER_OF_MOVE_TO_TOP_ROOM[item_type][target_index] + 1
                new_energy = current_energy + (number_of_moves * ITEM_TYPE_TO_ENERGY[bottom_room_item_type])
                new_move = slice_move(current_move, target_index, bottom_room_index)
                process_move(new_move, new_energy)
            for target_index in range(MOVE_LEFT_TO_CHAMBER_MIN_POSITION[item_type], 7):
                if current_move[target_index] != ITEM_EMPTY:
                print(f"\t\t\t\tCan move right to {target_index}")
                number_of_moves = NUMBER_OF_MOVE_TO_TOP_ROOM[item_type][target_index] + 1
                new_energy = current_energy + (number_of_moves * ITEM_TYPE_TO_ENERGY[bottom_room_item_type])
                new_move = slice_move(current_move, target_index, bottom_room_index)
                process_move(new_move, new_energy)

def next_move() -> None:
    global min_energy
    global max_energy
    global moves_to_explores
    global min_solution_energy
    for current_energy in range(min_energy, max_energy + 1):
        #print(f"Trying {current_energy}")
        min_energy = current_energy
        if (min_solution_energy is not None) and (current_energy >= min_solution_energy):
            print(f"Solution found: {min_solution_energy}")
        if current_energy in moves_to_explores:
            moves_with_right_cost = moves_to_explores[current_energy]
            for current_move in moves_with_right_cost:
                print(f"Process {current_move} for {current_energy}")
                for item_type in [ITEM_AMBER, ITEM_BRONZE, ITEM_COPPER, ITEM_DESERT]:
                    print(f"\tTrying to move in {item_type}")
                    try_to_move_in(current_move, current_energy, item_type)
                for item_type in [ITEM_AMBER, ITEM_BRONZE, ITEM_COPPER, ITEM_DESERT]:
                    print(f"\tTrying to move out from {item_type}")
                    try_to_move_out(current_move, current_energy, item_type)

while True:

Part two

import sys
from heapq import heappush, heappop
from typing import NewType, List, Any

puzzle = open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()

CHAMBER_SIZE = len(puzzle) - 3

# #############
# #
# ###7#9#1#3###
#   #8#0#2#4#
#   #########

ItemType = NewType('ItemType', int)
ITEM_AMBER = ItemType(0)
ITEM_BRONZE = ItemType(1)
ITEM_COPPER = ItemType(2)
ITEM_DESERT = ItemType(3)
ITEM_EMPTY = ItemType(4)

Position = NewType('Position', int)
Move: list[ItemType] = []

def move_to_key(move: Move) -> str:
    return ''.join(map(str, move))

def slice_move(current_move: Move, min_position: Position, max_position: Position) -> Move:
    return current_move[:min_position] + \
           current_move[max_position:(max_position + 1)] + \
           current_move[(min_position + 1):max_position] + \
           current_move[min_position:(min_position + 1)] + \
           current_move[max_position + 1:]

ITEM_TYPE_TO_ENERGY: dict[ItemType, int] = {
    ITEM_AMBER: 1,
    ITEM_BRONZE: 10,
    ITEM_COPPER: 100,
    ITEM_DESERT: 1000

CHAR_TO_ITEM_TYPE: dict[str, ItemType] = {
    'A': ITEM_AMBER,
    '.': ITEM_EMPTY,

initial_position_string = [
for t in range(0, 4):
    for c in range(0, CHAMBER_SIZE):
        initial_position_string.append(puzzle[2 + c][3 + (t * 2)])

initial_position: Move = list(
        lambda c: CHAR_TO_ITEM_TYPE[c],
                                [ITEM_EMPTY] * 7) + \
                        ([ITEM_AMBER] * CHAMBER_SIZE) + \
                        ([ITEM_BRONZE] * CHAMBER_SIZE) + \
                        ([ITEM_COPPER] * CHAMBER_SIZE) + \
                        ([ITEM_DESERT] * CHAMBER_SIZE)


known_moves: dict[Move, int] = dict()
known_moves[move_to_key(initial_position)] = 0

min_solution_energy: int | None = None

moves_to_explores: list[tuple[int, Move]] = []
heappush(moves_to_explores, (0, initial_position))

TOP_ROOM_INDEX: dict[ItemType, Position] = {
    ITEM_AMBER: Position(7),
    ITEM_BRONZE: Position(7 + CHAMBER_SIZE),
    ITEM_COPPER: Position(7 + (2 * CHAMBER_SIZE)),
    ITEM_DESERT: Position(7 + (3 * CHAMBER_SIZE))

MOVE_RIGHT_TO_CHAMBER_MAX_POSITION: dict[ItemType, Position] = {
    ITEM_AMBER: Position(1),
    ITEM_BRONZE: Position(2),
    ITEM_COPPER: Position(3),
    ITEM_DESERT: Position(4)

MOVE_LEFT_TO_CHAMBER_MIN_POSITION: dict[ItemType, Position] = {
    ITEM_AMBER: Position(2),
    ITEM_BRONZE: Position(3),
    ITEM_COPPER: Position(4),
    ITEM_DESERT: Position(5)

def can_move_in_chamber(current_move: Move, item_type: ItemType) -> Position | None:
    for room_index in range(CHAMBER_SIZE - 1, -1, -1):
        room_content = current_move[TOP_ROOM_INDEX[item_type] + room_index]
        if room_content == ITEM_EMPTY:
            return Position(room_index)
        elif room_content != item_type:
            return None
    return None

NUMBER_OF_MOVE_TO_TOP_ROOM: dict[ItemType, list[Position]] = {
    ITEM_AMBER: [Position(3), Position(2), Position(2), Position(4), Position(6), Position(8), Position(9)],
    ITEM_BRONZE: [Position(5), Position(4), Position(2), Position(2), Position(4), Position(6), Position(7)],
    ITEM_COPPER: [Position(7), Position(6), Position(4), Position(2), Position(2), Position(4), Position(5)],
    ITEM_DESERT: [Position(9), Position(8), Position(6), Position(4), Position(2), Position(2), Position(3)],

def move_right_to_chamber(current_move: Move, item_type: ItemType) -> Position | None:
    for item_index in range(MOVE_RIGHT_TO_CHAMBER_MAX_POSITION[item_type], -1, -1):
        if current_move[item_index] == item_type:
            return Position(item_index)
        elif current_move[item_index] != ITEM_EMPTY:
            return None
    return None

def move_left_to_chamber(current_move: Move, item_type: ItemType) -> Position | None:
    for item_index in range(MOVE_LEFT_TO_CHAMBER_MIN_POSITION[item_type], 7):
        if current_move[item_index] == item_type:
            return Position(item_index)
        elif current_move[item_index] != ITEM_EMPTY:
            return None
    return None

def process_move(move: Move, energy: int) -> None:
    global max_energy
    global known_moves
    global moves_to_explores
    move_key = move_to_key(move)
    if (move_key not in known_moves) or (known_moves[move_key] > energy):
        print(f"\t\t\t\t\tNew move {move} for {energy}")
        known_moves[move_key] = energy
        heappush(moves_to_explores, (energy, move))

def try_to_move_in(current_move: Move, current_energy: int, item_type: ItemType):
    global min_solution_energy
    global max_energy
    move_in_index = can_move_in_chamber(current_move, item_type)
    if move_in_index is not None:
        move_right_index = move_right_to_chamber(current_move, item_type)
        if move_right_index is not None:
            number_of_moves = NUMBER_OF_MOVE_TO_TOP_ROOM[item_type][move_right_index] + move_in_index
            target_index = TOP_ROOM_INDEX[item_type] + move_in_index

            new_move = slice_move(current_move, move_right_index, target_index)
            new_energy = current_energy + (number_of_moves * ITEM_TYPE_TO_ENERGY[item_type])

            if new_move == TARGET_POSITION:
                if (min_solution_energy is None) or (min_solution_energy > new_energy):
                    min_solution_energy = new_energy
                    max_energy = new_energy
                    print(f"Found better solution for {new_energy}")
                process_move(new_move, new_energy)

        move_left_index = move_left_to_chamber(current_move, item_type)
        if move_left_index is not None:
            number_of_moves = NUMBER_OF_MOVE_TO_TOP_ROOM[item_type][move_left_index] + move_in_index
            target_index = TOP_ROOM_INDEX[item_type] + move_in_index

            new_move = slice_move(current_move, move_left_index, target_index)
            new_energy = current_energy + (number_of_moves * ITEM_TYPE_TO_ENERGY[item_type])

            if new_move == TARGET_POSITION:
                if (min_solution_energy is None) or (min_solution_energy > new_energy):
                    min_solution_energy = new_energy
                    max_energy = new_energy
                    print(f"Found better solution for {new_energy}")
                process_move(new_move, new_energy)

def try_to_move_out(current_move: Move, current_energy: int, item_type: ItemType):
    top_room_index = TOP_ROOM_INDEX[item_type]
    lower_item_want_to_get_out = False
    for room_index in range(CHAMBER_SIZE - 1, -1, -1):
        room_content = current_move[top_room_index + room_index]
        if (room_content == item_type) and (not lower_item_want_to_get_out):
        elif room_content == ITEM_EMPTY:
            lower_item_want_to_get_out = True
            can_move_out = True
            for over_room_index in range(0, room_index):
                if current_move[top_room_index + over_room_index] != ITEM_EMPTY:
                    can_move_out = False
            if can_move_out:
                print(f"\t\tCan move from room index {room_index}")

                target_index: Position
                for target_index in range(MOVE_RIGHT_TO_CHAMBER_MAX_POSITION[item_type], -1, -1):
                    if current_move[target_index] != ITEM_EMPTY:
                    print(f"\t\t\t\tCan move left to {target_index}")
                    number_of_moves = NUMBER_OF_MOVE_TO_TOP_ROOM[item_type][target_index] + room_index
                    new_energy = current_energy + (number_of_moves * ITEM_TYPE_TO_ENERGY[room_content])
                    new_move = slice_move(current_move, target_index, top_room_index + room_index)
                    process_move(new_move, new_energy)
                for target_index in range(MOVE_LEFT_TO_CHAMBER_MIN_POSITION[item_type], 7):
                    if current_move[target_index] != ITEM_EMPTY:
                    print(f"\t\t\t\tCan move right to {target_index}")
                    number_of_moves = NUMBER_OF_MOVE_TO_TOP_ROOM[item_type][target_index] + room_index
                    new_energy = current_energy + (number_of_moves * ITEM_TYPE_TO_ENERGY[room_content])
                    new_move = slice_move(current_move, target_index, top_room_index + room_index)
                    process_move(new_move, new_energy)

def next_move() -> None:
    global moves_to_explores
    global min_solution_energy
    while len(moves_to_explores) > 0:
        current_energy, current_move = heappop(moves_to_explores)
        if (min_solution_energy is not None) and (current_energy >= min_solution_energy):
            print(f"Solution found: {min_solution_energy}")
        print(f"Process {current_move} for {current_energy}")
            print(f"\tTrying to move in chamber {item_type}")
            try_to_move_in(current_move, current_energy, item_type)
            print(f"\tTrying to move out from chamber {item_type}")
            try_to_move_out(current_move, current_energy, item_type)

while True:

# 43815 too high
# 43814 ?!

Day 24

Part one

import re

puzzle = open('input.txt').readlines()

input_index = 0

constants_values = {
    'w': 0,
    'x': 0,
    'y': 0,
    'z': 0,

def has_constant(variable):
    return (variable in constants_values) and (constants_values[variable] is not None)

def flush_constant(f, variable):
    if has_constant(variable):
        f.write(f"{variable} = {constants_values[variable]}  # Flush\n")
        constants_values[variable] = None

line_index = 1

def write(f, content):

with open('input.txt.py', 'w') as f:
    f.write('import sys\n')
    f.write('import math\n')
    f.write('input_number = sys.argv[1]\n')

    for line in puzzle:
        f.write(f'# {line_index}: {line.strip()}  {constants_values}\n')
        line = line.strip().split(' ')
        if len(line) == 0:
        match line[0]:
            case 'inp':
                constants_values[line[1]] = f'int(input_number[{input_index}])'
                input_index += 1
            case 'add':
                if line[2] == '0':
                elif has_constant(line[2]):
                    if has_constant(line[1]):
                        if constants_values[line[1]] == 0:
                            constants_values[line[1]] = constants_values[line[2]]
                            constants_values[line[1]] = f"({constants_values[line[1]]} + {constants_values[line[2]]})"
                        write(f, f"{line[1]} = {constants_values[line[1]]} + {constants_values[line[2]]}")
                        constants_values[line[1]] = None
                elif has_constant(line[1]) and line[2].isnumeric():
                    if constants_values[line[1]] == 0:
                        if line[2].isnumeric():
                            constants_values[line[1]] = int(line[2])
                            constants_values[line[1]] = line[2]
                        constants_values[line[1]] = f"({constants_values[line[1]]} + {line[2]})"
                elif constants_values[line[1]] == 0:
                    constants_values[line[1]] = None
                    flush_constant(f, line[2])
                    write(f, f"{line[1]} = {line[2]}")
                    constants_values[line[1]] = None
                    flush_constant(f, line[1])
                    flush_constant(f, line[2])
                    write(f, f"{line[1]} += {line[2]}")
                    constants_values[line[1]] = None
            case 'mul':
                if has_constant(line[1]) and (constants_values[line[1]] == 0):
                elif has_constant(line[2]) and (constants_values[line[2]] == 1):
                elif line[2] == '0':
                    constants_values[line[1]] = 0
                elif has_constant(line[1]) and isinstance(constants_values[line[1]], int) and has_constant(line[2]) and isinstance(constants_values[line[2]], int):
                    constants_values[line[1]] = constants_values[line[1]] * constants_values[line[2]]
                elif has_constant(line[1]):
                    flush_constant(f, line[2])
                    write(f, f"{line[1]} = {constants_values[line[1]]} * {line[2]}")
                    constants_values[line[1]] = None
                    flush_constant(f, line[1])
                    flush_constant(f, line[2])
                    write(f, f"{line[1]} *= {line[2]}")
            case 'div':
                if line[2] != '1':
                    flush_constant(f, line[1])
                    flush_constant(f, line[2])
                    if line[2] != '1':
                        write(f, f"{line[1]} = math.ceil({line[1]} / {line[2]})")
            case 'mod':
                if line[2] == '1':
                elif has_constant(line[1]):
                    if isinstance(constants_values[line[1]], int) and line[2].isnumeric():
                        constants_values[line[1]] = int(constants_values[line[1]]) % int(line[2])
                        write(f, f"{line[1]} = {constants_values[line[1]]} % {line[2]}")
                        constants_values[line[1]] = None
                    flush_constant(f, line[1])
                    flush_constant(f, line[2])
                    write(f, f"{line[1]} = {line[1]} % {line[2]}")
            case 'eql':
                if has_constant(line[1]):
                    if has_constant(line[2]):
                        if (re.compile(r"^int\(input_number\[(\d+)\]\)$").match(constants_values[line[2]]) is not None) \
                                and isinstance(constants_values[line[1]], int) \
                                and (constants_values[line[1]] > 10):
                            constants_values[line[1]] = 0
                                  f"{line[1]} = 1 if ({constants_values[line[1]]} == {constants_values[line[2]]}) else 0")
                            constants_values[line[1]] = None
                        if line[2].isnumeric() and (constants_values[line[1]] == int(line[2])):
                            constants_values[line[1]] = 1
                            write(f, f"{line[1]} = 1 if ({constants_values[line[1]]} == {line[2]}) else 0")
                            constants_values[line[1]] = None
                    if has_constant(line[2]):
                        write(f, f"{line[1]} = 1 if ({line[1]} == {constants_values[line[2]]}) else 0")
                        write(f, f"{line[1]} = 1 if ({line[1]} == {line[2]}) else 0")
                    constants_values[line[1]] = None
            case _:
                raise Exception(line)
        line_index += 1

Day 25

Part one

import copy
import sys

puzzle = list(map(lambda l: list(l.strip()), open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()))
puzzle_width = len(puzzle[0])
puzzle_height = len(puzzle)

step_index = 0
while True:
    step_index += 1
    number_of_moves = 0
    new_puzzle = copy.deepcopy(puzzle)
    for line in range(0, puzzle_height):
        for column in range(0, puzzle_width - 1):
            current_cell_content = puzzle[line][column]
            target_cell_content = puzzle[line][column + 1]
            if (current_cell_content == '>') and (target_cell_content == '.'):
                new_puzzle[line][column] = '.'
                new_puzzle[line][column + 1] = '>'
                number_of_moves += 1
        current_cell_content = puzzle[line][puzzle_width - 1]
        target_cell_content = puzzle[line][0]
        if (current_cell_content == '>') and (target_cell_content == '.'):
            new_puzzle[line][puzzle_width - 1] = '.'
            new_puzzle[line][0] = '>'
            number_of_moves += 1

    puzzle = new_puzzle
    new_puzzle = copy.deepcopy(puzzle)

    for line in range(0, puzzle_height - 1):
        for column in range(0, puzzle_width):
            current_cell_content = puzzle[line][column]
            target_cell_content = puzzle[line + 1][column]
            if (current_cell_content == 'v') and (target_cell_content == '.'):
                new_puzzle[line][column] = '.'
                new_puzzle[line + 1][column] = 'v'
                number_of_moves += 1
    for column in range(0, puzzle_width):
        current_cell_content = puzzle[puzzle_height - 1][column]
        target_cell_content = puzzle[0][column]
        if (current_cell_content == 'v') and (target_cell_content == '.'):
            new_puzzle[puzzle_height - 1][column] = '.'
            new_puzzle[0][column] = 'v'
            number_of_moves += 1

    if number_of_moves == 0:
    puzzle = new_puzzle